He turns his head from me like the littlebitchthat he is. That is when I lose it—I seered. Kicking my boot out, I let the chair crash to the ground. I lean over him and grab his face between my hands, forcing his head back to look at me. Hefucking laughs.

I punch him once. “Thatis for all the women you and your mates take advantage of.” Then a second time, hearing a crunch, and watching as blood splatters his shirt and the floor. “Andthatis for breaking the rules of your contract with the Kennedys—take this as your onlywarning.” I cut his wrists free from their bindings and pull him up by the shirt.

“Get the fuck out of this bar. And if you even so much as look at Leah again, I'll find you,” I snarl as I shove him against the wall. Blood is pouring from his nose and down his mouth.

“What about Maddy? She looks like she could use some comfort tonight...” he insinuates.Does this kid have a death wish?I guess he has bigger balls than I thought. My fingers lace around his throat, and I get in his face one last time before I cross a line I can’t undo.

“Stay. The fuck. Away from her. She ismine,” I spit. I knock twice on the door. Conor comes back in and grabs Chase by the arm, dragging him towards the elevator to the parking lot.

Sighing loudly, I sit down at my desk chair and run my hands through my hair.What a fucking mess.I stepped out of line over a woman I can’t have. And honestly, I’d do it again.

My phone buzzes in my pocket.


Got an assignment for you. Call me when you can.

I throw my phone onto the desk, dragging my hands down my face. They are still covered in Chase’s blood. I should take the assignment. It’ll give me time to cool off and get my head on straight with Madelyn. Iwanther. There is no doubt about that. Tonight she seemed to have reciprocated my feelings. But I would be a selfish bastard to start anything with her.

I need some advice from my best friend. I send a quick reply back:


Ok. Call you in a bit. I need advice.

I use my private bathroom to clean my face and hands with a damp towel. I drop it in the hamper before taking a piss.The cleaning service is on our payroll, and all the employees are required to sign an NDA.

My phone vibrates in my back pocket—it’sKillian.

“Hey, brother,” I answer.

“Hello,sweetheart,” he jokes in a feminine tone. “I heard ya need advice, what’s thecraic?” he asks more seriously.

I sigh and run my hands through my hair while staring at the blood all over the floor. “I need to come clean about something…I met a woman. I’m crazy about her, man. Problem is, we met here at the bar. She's a student. I’m sorry Kil, I know we aren’t supposed to fraternize with the students,” I confess in a marathon of words.I really could use my best friend right now, not my boss.

His advice and history with women are better than my own. Killian was engaged once. His da set up an arranged marriage in an effort to strengthen our alliance with the Cubans. He and Selena had gone through a two-year courtship and they actually fell in love. At the last second, the deal was pulled due to rising tensions with her father. Kil was absolutely gutted after that, believing he’d stay a bachelor forever. He’d be content having one-night stands for the rest of his existence if he didn’t need an heir to continue the family name and business.

There is a pregnant pause. “Damn Liam,slow down, you sound like a love sick puppy! Tell me about this goddess that’s got you willing to break the rules,” he laughs into the receiver.

I feel a moment of relief, but the anxiety is back again when I realize I should still do the right thing by her. Problem is, after tonight, I don’t think I can stay away—even if I tried.She is like quicksand; the more I resist, the further she pulls me in.

“We met my first day here, three years ago. She is everything I want in a woman—a dark-haired, brown-eyed beauty. Not only that but she’s got brains and knows how to use the perfect amount of sarcasm to keep me on my toes. Even her laugh is contagious. She’s the full package. You’d love her, Kil. I’m just afraid to bring her into this life. It’s too dangerous. Madelyn has been through so much already.“ I close my eyes and wrap up my thoughts.

“How’s the sex?” he attempts to lighten the mood.

I clear my throat, embarrassment coursing through me. “We haven’t yet”.

“Liam, for fuck’s sake. You’re this crazy over the girl and you haven’t even fucked her yet? Ineedto meet her,” he implies. “Speaking of women, I actually met one as well. She’s also a student—so don’t feel too bad. Believe it or not, we met on a dating app,” he cackles at the last part.

“No fucking way. The heir to the Tri-State Syndicate has an online dating profile? Did Hell freeze over?” I chuckle, thinking about the image of Killian sitting on his phone swiping left or right.

“Brother, don’t knock it til ya try it. I’m finally getting back on the horse. Ya know my Da needs me to have an heir of my own.”

My phone buzzes with a text. Pulling the phone from my ear, I see a number I don’t know. I place Killian on speakerphone and open it:

Hey, it’s Maddy. Thank you for tonight. I know I may be a hot mess right now. I just wanted you to know that my feelings were there before alcohol or drugs were involved. If I’m being honest, the second I saw you tonight, I felt something shift between us. Something worth exploring. I wish you stayed. Maybe I’m being extremely bold here but come back after your shift. If you want ;)

Fuuuuuck. This woman isn’t making it easy to stay away from her.I promptly add her name and number as a new contact.