“I never orderedanyof those things,” a deep voice booms from behind us. “Time for your games to be over. You’ve fucked withmy familyenough.” Killian steps next to us with his gun raised and aimed at Chase.
Another shot rings out.
This time Chase goes down and doesn’t get back up.
Killian walks over to stand over his body. Liam turns to me, covers my ears, and presses my face to his body. Killian puts two more bullets into Chase as I scream. My body begins to shake violently.
Everything becomes fuzzy after that.
Killian walks over to us, his eyes taking in Liam holding me. Liam stumbles twice and collapses to the floor, pulling me down with him. I scream and scream some more as Killian pulls me off him. I kick and thrash to no avail. He ends up throwing me over his shoulder and putting me in the backseat of his Range Rover.
He slides in next to me, wrapping his arms around me and pressing my face to his chest. The hold he has on me is strong. It’s preventing me from getting out of the car. Colin jumps in the driver seat and pulls into traffic as I beat my fist against Killian’s chest.
“Liam! We need to go back for him. Liam! Liam! Killian, let me fucking go.I hate you! Let me go. Just let me go,” I sob.
He only holds me tighter to his chest.
I feel my fists going numb. I start to get weaker. It travels, and my vision becomes tunneled before going black.
I wakeup feeling disoriented and nauseous. I sit up and take a look around at my surroundings. I’m in bed and not justanybed—I'm inKillian’sbed. Memories of the accident come flooding back. I cover my mouth as another vicious wave of nausea attacks me.
The shower is running and the door is closed. I attempt to slide out of bed to investigate when I realize I am attached to a fucking IV. I don’t care—it won’t stop me from finding out about Liam.I need to get out of this bed!My mind refuses to think of the possibility he didn’t make it home. I need answers.Now.
With every movement my body aches. My muscles scream at me to just sit still—especially my stomach.I take a quick inventory of the rest of my body. Glancing down at my arms, I discover they are covered in bruises and scratches. I run my fingers over my throbbing forehead. There is a large bump there, accompanied by several stitches near my hairline.
The shower turns off, and I scramble to get up. I am unsteady on my feet and fall to the floor. The door opens, but I can’t see who it is over the bed.
“Madison?” Killian calls out, his wet feet squeak over the hardwoods as he makes his way over to me. A look of sympathy plays across his face. He reaches down with nothing but a white towel around his hips to help me up. “I’ve got you. Come on, let's get back in bed.” His strong arms pick me up off the ground, gently placing me back on the mattress. He throws the covers back over my legs and puts an extra pillow behind my back.
“Where is Liam?” I narrow my eyes at him.
He sits next to me and takes my hands in his. I rip them away from him.Fuck him. My heart is going to explode out of my chest with anticipation. Water droplets drip off his hair onto the comforter.
“Where is he?” my voice pitches, preparing for a breakdown.
Killian grabs my hands again, this time more firmly. He places a kiss against the one with the IV in it.
“He’salive, sweetheart. We are lucky that we have a fully functioning operating room here. Some of the best surgeons are on our payroll,” he winks. “He’s recovering nicely. Lad took a nice bullet to the chest—missed his heart and lung by a few inches and got lodged into his shoulder.He’s one lucky bastard,” he chuckles.
I release the breath I was holding and hug Killian. I don’t know why I am seeking comfort in his arms right now, but they make me feel safe.He did help save our lives, after all.
I guess I should be thankful.
He takes a breath and releases it, stroking my hair. “For a minute, I thought I lost you both,” his voice cracks. “Liam was in critical condition. It was very touch and go. He losta lotof blood.”
I pull back to look at him, my anger simmering down—now that I know Liam is okay.
“When I got you safely in the car, you wouldn’t stop hitting me and screaming forhim. I wasnevergoing to leave him behind, sweetheart. Even if he died right there.”
He brushes gentle fingers over my wound. A pained look crosses his face. “Your head injury looks worse than it is. It’s a few stitches from the glass. A plastic surgeon took care of that one, so the scar shouldn’t be too noticeable when it fully heals.”
Kil reaches over and lifts my shirt a few inches, revealing a few bandages over my abdomen and one over my belly button. “You injured your spleen in the crash—luckily, it was repairable, and they didn’t have to remove it. The doctors are confident that it shouldn’t be an issue for you in the future. I made sure they did it laparoscopically.”
I run a hand over the bandages.Holy crap. I must have been out of it since last night.
“Thank you for helping us. How did you even know we were there? And why are you back home so soon?” I tuck my shirt back down and lace my hands together in my lap.