“It’s fine. I’ve got two of our men from the Triskelion catching up with us as we speak—for added security. Nothing will happen to you. Not on my watch.”

I wrap my shaking hand around his, holding onto it for dear life.Oh, God.

Liam keeps looking in his rearview and swerving in and out of lanes.

“Fuck,” he growls right before our car gets slammed into from behind.

The car swerves toward the shoulder, but Liam regains control. He hits the accelerator, and I Iurch back against my seat. The car behind us hits us harder this time and we veer off the road, flipping into the ditch off the highway.

I didn’t even realize I was screaming until Liam grabs my face, forcing me to look at him.Are we…are we upside down? The airbags deployed, and I think we are trapped.Oh fuck. I feel warmth dripping down my face.

“Stay with me, baby. I’m going to get you out.Don’t fucking move. Just try and stay still.” His voice is soothing yet commanding. He unbuckles himself and climbs out of his window. Gunshots ring out, and instantly I freeze in fear.

“No. Liam! No!” I scream out.

My door opens. A man in a black mask unbuckles me and drags me out of the car. He puts a knife up to my neck as he pulls me to stand. I can feel the sharp metal digging into my carotid. One wrong move and I’ll bleed out.

That’s when I see Liam. A gun is pushed up to his head by another masked man. “Get the bitch on the floor.” The man holding Liam shouts. He has a very familiar voice.

I’ve heard it before.

“I’m going to make your man here watch as Ifuck you.” The man holding me threatens loudly. Liam’s face becomes contorted with rage.

Wait a fucking minute.It’s Chase. I’ve heard him do interviews a thousand times at the stadium. I struggle to get out of his hold. Chase presses the knife deeper into my skin, drawing some blood superficially.Adrenaline courses through me.

“I should have killed you when I had the chance,” Liam slams his elbow into Alan’s nose, and the gun clatters to the floor. He grabs it and shoots.

Chase wails and falls backward on impact.

The knife drops from his hand, and blood splatters on my face.His blood.

Then it all happens in slow motion.

Chase pulls out Liam’s gun from the front of his pants and shoots as Liam runs toward me. Liam drops to the ground and doesn’t move.

“No… No! No! No!” I scream.

I stare at Liam’s lifeless body.He can’t be dead. He’s just unconscious. In the corner of my eye, I see Alan running back toward their SUV.Goddamn, coward!Remembering the gun, I spin around to Chase behind me.He isn’t going to shoot me.He dropped the gun and is grabbing his shoulder, writhing in pain. Blood pours from it and stains the snow.

I make a decision in that moment.

I grab the gun next to Chase and retrieve the knife he had against my neck, placing it in my back pocket. My hands shake as I aim the gun at him.

“Get up,” I seethe. Chase looks up at me with wild eyes.

I jump at the sound of more gunshots going off in the distance. It sounds like it’s back up the hill by the highway.

“I said, get the fuck up!” I reposition the gun more firmly in my hand, letting my finger hover over the trigger. Chase stands slowly, all while laughing maniacally.

My heartbeat is so loud it wooshes in my ears.

“I would do as the lady says,” a deep anguished voice says from behind me. Liam’s bloodied hand gently grips my shoulder. He runs it down my arm to take hold of the gun. I don’t let go, realizing I’m in shock right now.

“It’s okay, love. I’ll take it from here. Let go, baby.” He grips the gun and pushes me behind him, shielding me. His shirt is drenched in thick blood. Looks to be a chest wound—but I can’t be sure until I get a better look at him.

Liam aims the gun at Chase, who is still laughing. “Well isn’t this a turn of events? I wasn’t going tokillher, Liam. I was hired by Killian to shake her up a bit. He knew you would intervene, and that was our chance to kill you.”

Chase’s eyes start to widen in fear now. He starts backing up, raising his hands as best he can.