My man.

I’ve heard those words spoken many times in my fantasies of her. Hearing them flow off her lips is something I’ll never take for granted.

“I wanted to feed you. You’re gonna need your strength.” I kiss her and cage her against the counter. “I don’t plan on us leaving the bed the rest of the day.”

She lifts herself onto her tiptoes to wrap her arms around my neck. And kisses me harder. “Last night was…extrodinary.Magicaleven.”

“I agree, baby. Never in my life have I experienced what I did with you. It’s this hold you have on me. I never want to be anywhere but here.” I wrap my arms around her.

“Is that coffee I smell?” she giggles.

“Oh yes. I can’t have a cranky, hungover woman on my hands.” I kiss her nose again and grab a mug from the cabinet above her head. “Cream and sugar, right?” Madison nods as I pour some coffee and add a bit of each. She reaches for it gratefully, pulling the steaming mug close to her chest.

“How is your house stocked if you are never here?” Her eyebrow raises as she takes a scalding sip. How she doesn’t burn her taste buds off is beyond me.

“I have a housekeeping company that keeps the basics stocked. They clean the fridge and pantry if I am gone for extended periods of time,” I shrug, pouring my own cup of black coffee.

I reach down to the warmer and pull out the little spread I made us.

“Sit.” I point to the lit fireplace. There are cushions, blankets, and place settings lining the floor.

We take our seats, and I let her grab what she wants. She never ceases to amaze me. She takes a ton of bacon, some eggs, and two pancakes, drizzling syrup over all of it. Most women would take a tiny bit of eggs and one slice of bacon. That’s why I love her. She’s not afraid to be herself—especiallyaround me.

The both of us dig in. When we finish, she refuses to let me lift a finger. She loads the dishwasher and wipes the countertops down.

I summon her with my finger to come back to the fire and sit with me. I pat the spot between my legs. She sits back down, crosses her legs, and lays against me. I kiss the back of her head and wrap my arms around hers, enjoying the warmth of the fireplace and the static running through us. The wood crackles, and so does the desire between us. She leans her head up to look at me, and I claim her lips.

Twenty minutes later, we are laying naked on my living room floor with a fleece blanket tossed over us. Our breathing is light and in sync. I rake my fingers through her hair as tears prick the back of my eyes.I am one lucky man. My mum would have adored her.

We endedup spending the entire weekend at Liam’s. Neither of us was really in any rush to get back to Killian’s house.It still doesn’t feel real.Only a few days ago, I was in a relationship with Killian, and now…well…I’m not quite sure what Liam and I are.It’s complicated, I guess.

Killian introduced me to his entire syndicate and associates as ‘his woman’. And now we are….over. I know that.I can still hear his ex-fiancée's voice climbing to ecstasy, the slapping and the moaning.

I am no saint. Let’s be clear about that. I understand that I walked the line with Liam; that we crossed boundaries we shouldn’t have. That I slept with him only a few hours after that phone call. The difference is—I wasn’t trying to hurt Killian. It doesn’t make my actions right. What Killian did to me was meant to deliberately hurt me. I guess he is like ‘Darth Vader’after all—I was just too naive to see it.

Where do we go from here?

How do we navigate this moment?

Will Liam and I ever be able to be in a ‘real’ commitment after this?

The high I was riding all weekend is starting to buzz out, and reality is creeping in. Dread pools in my gut at the thought of going back to Killian’s. But we have to. It’s the safest there.

I am staring out the car window, trying not to cry. We are in Liam’s car driving back to New York City. I sigh loudly and scroll through my phone. Killian hasn’t touched base with anyone.

Liam places a hand over my phone and clicks the screen off. “It’s no use worrying about him right now. Baby steps, sweetheart. When he comes back, we will deal with him together.”

“Yeah,” I mumble and turn back to sulk out the window.

“Hey. Don’t do that. Don’t shut me out. I know this is uncomfortable, and you’re still hurting. But please don’t push me away. We are meant to be together, Madison. You said so yourself.”

I turn and look at him.He is so handsome. His features are now screwed into a look of worry and anxiety—and it’s my fault.I put them there.

“I’m sorry if I am making you anxious. I don’t mean to. It’s just—this isn’t navigating a ‘simple’ breakup. This is so fucking complicated.” I put my head into my hands. “Ughh!”

His strong hand caresses my thigh, and he gives it a gentle squeeze. “I’m not worried aboutus, love. There has been a car tailing us since we left the house.”

The blood drains from my face. “What?”