5. 4. 3. 2. 1.
The crowd goes wild, kissing and jumping up and down. Confetti cannons explode off the stage. New York City is loud and active right now, adding to the riveting moment.
“Happy New Year, beautiful,” I whisper in her ear before leaning down to kiss her. Her hand wraps around my head as I deepen the kiss.Mmm. I can’t wait to take her on every surface of my room later.
Madison pulls away as Lexi comes over and shouts, “Happy New Year!” They embrace and sway back and forth like lovers.
“Love you, Lex. Another year in the books together.” She kisses her cheek.
I turn around and pop the champagne, pouring a glass for the small group we have gathered here. Madison helps me distribute them to Lexi and Conor. She smiles shyly at Liam while offering him a glass. He looks like he’s in a better mood. Hopefully, he made a better impression on her. Perhaps they are both calmer now that they’ve smoked.
Liam accepts a glass and leans over to place a kiss on her cheek. “Happy New Year, Madison.” He turns around and shakes my hand. “Cheers, brother,” he raises his glass.
The dance floor disperses after the band announces the Viennese hour has started inside.“Latch (Acoustic)” by Sam Smithbegins playing. I clutch Madison by the waist and place her champagne glass on the table.
I twirl her in the direction of the center of the dance floor. Her gorgeous satin green gown flows around her. We glide across the dancefloor as if we have been doing this for years. My hand is at her waist, and her delicate hand is in mine.Our bubble is intact again. And then it’s just us.
Her chocolate brown eyes are glowing with unshed tears. I spin her out, whirl her around and draw her back to me. Madison releases a little gasp as I dip her over my bent knee. Slowly, I pull her to me and kiss her with all the emotion I have coursing through my bloodstream. I can see our future together.
Many more New Year’s Eve Galas.
My ring on her finger.
Her belly swollen with our child.
The song slows to an end and our lips part. “I am so in love with you, Madison. You make me so happy.”
“Kil.” Liam interrupts our moment.
“It better be damn important, Liam. I’m having a moment with my woman,” I laugh. This moment is so fucking light and free of the darkness that looms over us all the time. “Da…he just…we need to go right now,” his voice is solemn.
My heart beats wildly in my chest. Madison’s eyes turn even glossier. She knows it, Liam knows it, I know it.
Jack Kennedy just died.
“Go to my room when you finish enjoying the party, sweetheart.” I clear my throat, trying to remain calm. “I will do my best to come and see you when everything settles down.”
“I’ll keep an eye on her. You should go, Kil.” He squeezes the back of my neck sympathetically. “I’ll meet you up there after you’ve had some time alone with him,” he sighs.
I place a firm hand on his shoulder. “He’s your father too, Liam.”
I’m sure it’s just as hard losing Da for him as it is for me. We both got the pleasure of growing up with him. He taught us everything and gave us everything we could ever want. I mean fuck—he left us a goddamn empire.
“I know, but you two shared a special bond. And you are next in line. So go. Figure it all out. You know there will be a lot of people waiting on your decisions. I’ll make sure Madison is safe and settled in for the night.”
“Thanks, brother.”
Madison throws her arms around my waist and lays her head on my chest. “I’m so sorry, Killian.” I place a kiss on the top of her head. “I love you, handsome. Go. Please don’t worry about me,” she says adamantly. Her hands grip the lapels of my tux, pulling me in for one last kiss before releasing me and rubbing her thumb along my cheek. I give her my best reassuring smile and leave the two of them on the dancefloor.
* * *
I sitwith a double of whiskey at the large round table in my father’s office. My tuxedo jacket is draped over the chair behind me. I ditched the bow tie, popped the top buttons on my shirt, and rolled my sleeves up. Sweat beads on my forehead. All eyes have been on me since the second I stepped foot upstairs.
The lawyer is here, along with many of the higher-ups of this organization. Most of them were already here. The other leaders have received word back in Ireland and Miami.
I am blindly signing paperwork, officially taking over ownership of this home and many of my father’s other assets. Liam will be up soon to do the same. I’m thankful for him tonight. He is keeping my woman comforted when I can’t. Knowing Madison, she is probably feeling uneasy about all of this. My Queen knows that deep down,I never wanted the power.