“If I would have kissed you in Nashville when we were in the elevator, would you have let me take you to bed?” he asks with a strange vulnerability I wasn’t expecting.
“Yes, Daddy,” I answer. There’s no hesitation at all.
“Do you want me to fuck you now?”
Hearing the desire dripping from his words gives me a rush of primal satisfaction. This powerful alpha is practically begging for more, and that knowledge makes me bold.
I smirk to myself. “You said there was only going to be one more question, Daddy,” I fire back, trying not to sound too triumphant.
He chuckles and gives me another playful spank, none of his earlier ferocity behind it. I jump and whimper, my pussy practically throbbing. He lets me stand and turn around, looking up into his face. Eyes darting to every corner of my features, he’s studying me, and I just give him a smile. He doesn’t stop me as I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down into a kiss. It’s brief, but still knocks the breath out of me.
“Tori...” he whispers, clutching my waist to bring me flush with his body again.
Something hard pokes into my belly, and it makes me whine. I let my head fall back as I nod, almost boneless with endorphins that have me ready to release any remaining control over my raging hormones. “Yes, Daddy. I want you to fuck me now.”
He nips at my exposed throat before wrapping his arms around my waist and ribs, lifting me with ease until I can wrap my legs around his trim hips. We’re kissing again as he moves us back to his couch, laying me down on the surprisingly comfortable cushions and settling into the cradle of my hips. My hands move, tugging desperately at the material of his polo. He bites my lower lip in warning, but I don’t care. I need to feel his skin, to see those beautiful tattoos in person. Eventually, he pulls away and looks at me sternly. Giving him a coy smile, I reach up to take my breasts in each hand, massaging them while maintaining agonizing eye contact.
“Oh, you are quite the little brat for Daddy. Trying to take, take, take. But that’s not how this works, baby girl.”
I gasp as his hand darts out, gathering both of my wrists in his massive palm and pushing them into the cushion above my head. His other hand pushes up my skirt again, leaving me exposed. Then something’s looped around my wrists andcinches tight, and when I try to pull my hands down, I don’t get more than an inch before I have to stop. I look up and my jaw drops as I realize it’s one of Logan’s ties.
“I’m gonna wear that during tonight’s game, baby girl. So every time the cameras are on me, you’ll remember this,” he says, sitting back on his heels as he removes his shirt.
I look down from the silk and openly gawk at his incredible chest. He hasn’t let himself go since he stopped playing, with washboard abs and an Adonis belt I want to lick, following the line below his waistband. His hands are on my hips, pulling off my thoroughly ruined panties and sticking them in his back pocket.
“Should I bring those out with me? Just to get under their skin?” he asks as his hands massage my thighs again, moving closer to my core by the second.
I shake my head, panic resurfacing. “No, Daddy, please. I don’t—” I cut myself off, swallowing hard.
God, I didn’t even consider what the boys are going to think when I tell them about this meeting. Will they hate me? We mentioned exclusivity, but there were never any promises made regarding seeing anyone else while we’re together. And they seemed okay with Logan when it was brought up during our Christmas discussion. Talking about something, however, isn’t the same as actually doing it, so their attitudes might be different when faced with reality. Or given the circumstances, they might not take me and my feelings for their coach seriously. Are they going to think I slept with Logan to keep our secret? What if–
My train of thought explodes into a million billion pieces as Logan roughly shoves two fingers into my cunt, and I gasp as he doesn’t give me a moment to adjust. He finds my sweet spot almost immediately, spearing it over and over with merciless thrusts. I’m not so much climbing toward my climax as rocketing, my pulse thundering in my ears as I try desperatelyto catch my breath. But then, just as suddenly as it started, Logan pulls away, leaving me aching and hollow. He looks down at me as he licks his fingers clean, his other hand moving to undo his belt. But his eyes are locked with mine, that possessiveness returning and making me shiver.
“Your boys can fight over you all they want. Hell, I might be inclined to watch them share you, just to make sure they’re fucking you like you deserve. But when it’s just the two of us, there’s no one else, understand? You are my baby girl, my sweet little fuck toy to play with. If you want to play games, whether that be back talking, or teasing, or whatever bratty thing your ingenious mind can come up with, we can play games. But I don’t lose, Victoria.”
Feminism? Who’s she? Never heard of her.My instincts crow smugly, overriding any objections I might have over the language Logan is using.
My heart hammers with every word, the walls of my pussy still fluttering as I come down from my near orgasm. I nod, transfixed as he slides his belt free from the loops with one hand, folding the leather over once before leaning down toward me. I realize my mouth is still hanging open when he presses the strap against my tongue, a single finger under my chin lifting my jaw to bite down on it.
“Don’t drop Daddy’s belt, okay? Or next time, I might have to show you another use for it,” he warns, sitting back.
Next time? He wants to do this again? The implications wash over me, the loudest of which is,God, I fucking hope there’s going to be a next time, but I can’t digest or unpack any of them as Logan unbuttons and unzips his slacks and extracts his cock. My jaw slackens for a split second, but I recover before I drop the belt, my eyes wide as I watch him stroke it, the light catching on several steel balls along the underside. I count them and nearlyfaint as I get to four pairs, with about an inch between them and plenty of space on either side.
A fucking Jacob’s Ladder.
“Have you ever fucked someone with these before?” Logan asks, fingers spreading the pre-cum from his tip down the shaft and around the piercings.
Shivering for a whole different reason now, I shake my head. He chuckles and gathers some of my cream from between my folds. I moan low behind the makeshift gag, eyes rolling back. When he pulls away, I look up and flush hot, realizing he’s spreading my slick up and down his thick cock. Logan leans in and guides his tip to my entrance, holding himself above me as he looks into my eyes.
“You spit out the belt, and we stop, okay, baby girl?” he mutters, very serious all of a sudden.
He’s giving me an out, I realize. A parachute cord out of this wild encounter. But I’m too close to the ground, and I am dying to crash into him at full speed.
I nod eagerly, trying to wiggle my hips to get him where I need him. But his fingers bite into my flesh, pinning me to the couch with not an inch of space. With a simple glare, his eyes forbid me from looking away. Even when he rolls his hips, thrusting shallowly, I don’t even dare to blink, entranced by how his irises seem to glow around his pupils. I’m so hypnotized that I jump when I feel the first piercing against my inner walls, followed quickly by the second before he pulls out.
I moan out a series of curse words, all of them muffled by the belt. The drags of his piercings as he pushes in and slides out are like little zaps of additional euphoria. I didn’t know the pleasure points existed before he touches them with those steel balls, the rest of his cock stretching me perfectly. I’m nearly cross-eyed by the time I feel his swollen knot against my outer lips.
“God, you’re so fucking perfect,” Logan breathes, leaning down and kissing my lower lip as it protrudes out from under the belt. “Ready, baby girl?”