That was fine. Eventually, he would inform the council.
"What about your plans for faking the twins' deaths? Is that still on the table?" Brandon asked.
"Aru has not reported finding the pod yet, and we want to keep it that way. Jasmine convinced him that it was better than trying to fake something and getting discovered. We concluded that it was better to wait until another pod was discovered with everyone inside dead and report that. If several pods are found in the same condition, the higher-ups might assume that all the remaining settlers are dead and decide that there is no need to search anymore. The problem with that is that they will recall our three new friends back home, which the gods don't want to happen since they are now all mated to immortals, who cannot be taken back with them."
Brandon nodded. "Would we need to fake their deaths as well?"
"Is there another option?" Kian asked.
"I guess not." Brandon glanced at the closed door to Jasmine's room. "I feel for Ell-rom. With both his mate and sister unconscious now, he must be going out of his mind with worry."
Kian gave Brandon a curt nod, but his mind was on the experiment about to take place later that evening. The gods were impatient to test removing the tracker from one of them and transferring it to the captured trafficker, and the truth was that Kian was eager to get on with it as well. But for that to happen, Julian needed to get back to the keep along with Merlin, and Bridget needed to take over the village clinic to care for Morelle and Jasmine.
In fact, Kian decided that he needed to accompany the doctors to the keep and supervise the procedure, even though his presence was unnecessary, and he would rather spend the evening at home.
Then again, tomorrow was Saturday, so he could compensate by doing a little less work in his home office and spending more time with his family. After all, Sari and David were going back to Scotland on Monday, and he didn't want to miss out on all the family lunches and dinners that his mother and Syssi had planned.
As if summoned by his thoughts, Bridget rushed in. "Hello, Kian. Brandon," she said in passing.
"Thanks for coming," Kian called after her.
She nodded as she opened the door to Jasmine's room, and a moment later, a dejected Ell-rom was ushered out.
He looked lost and stressed, and given what lived inside of the prince, it was important to keep him calm.
It wasn't that Kian was worried about Ell-rom lashing out with his death ray and killing random people, but until they could put the guy through thorough testing, it was better to play it safe.
He rose to his feet, walked over to Ell-rom, and put a hand on his arm. "Take a deep breath and relax. It's perfectly normal for transitioning Dormants to lose consciousness, and your mate is tougher than most. She'll make it through."
Ell-rom's shoulders felt like they were made from granite. "Why did they tell me to leave? What are they doing in there?"
Kian led the prince to a chair next to Brandon. "They are not hiding anything alarming from you. It's perfectly normal for Bridget to kick the worried mate out of the room while she is hooking the patient up to the monitoring equipment. She is quick, efficient, and she doesn't want anyone disturbing her workflow."
Letting out a long breath, Ell-rom sat down. "I understand all of that logically, but my heart can't stop racing. I feel lost without Jasmine."
"I get it." Kian sat down on Ell-rom's other side.
He still remembered how wrecked he'd been during Syssi's transition. It was much easier to give advice when it wasn't his own mate's life on the line.
"In a day or two, you will look back and realize that you were panicking for nothing." Kian imbued his tone with as much calm and confidence as he could, hoping it would ease Ell-rom's fear.
The truth was that he wasn't worried. If Jasmine encountered any difficulties, his mother would come and give her a 'blessing,' and she would be fine.
"We haven't lost a single transitioning Dormant yet," Brandon said. "And some of them were much older and in relatively poor health compared to Jasmine. You really have nothing to worry about."
Ell-rom cast Brandon a grateful smile. "Thank you. That puts things in perspective."
"Glad to help." Brandon clapped Ell-rom on his back.
"So, what now?" the prince asked.
"Now we wait." Kian crossed his arms over his chest.
The next few minutes passed in silence as they waited, and then Bridget and Julian emerged from the room.