Page 37 of Down My Chimney

“Yo,” said a voice on the other end of the line.

I frowned. That definitely wasn’t Blake. I wasn’t actually surewhoit was.

“Uh, anybody there?” the voice said when I didn’t respond.

“Yeah, sorry, sorry,” I said quickly. “This is Henry Waterstone? I’m Blake’s friend. Is he there?”

“Henry? Oh!Singin’ in the Rain, right?”

“Uh, yeah. That’s me.” I smiled, not that anyone could see me. “I just need to talk to Blake, is that all right?”

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and some static. Then the voice said, “He’s at the library right now. But you can come up if you want.”

Before I could respond, the line clicked dead. Two seconds later, the door to the lobby opened. I darted inside.

I realized, on the elevator ride up, that I’d neglected to think of a good cover story for why I was here. I’d just kind of assumed Blake would be home, and that he’d do the explaining for me. But I was a writer, right? I’d come up with something.

“Thank you so much,” I said when his apartment door opened a minute later. “It’s just—tonight has been—everything’s just a mess.”

It was Matty who let me in, and I did my best to look flustered and grateful as he waved me inside.

“No worries, man.” He pointed to the living room, where Taylor and Dev lay on opposite ends of the futon. The coffee table was covered in pizza. “You want some food?”

He was the one who’d answered the buzzer, I was pretty sure. I recognized his drawl now. He was the living embodiment of every surfer stereotype imaginable, from his sun-bleached hair to his shell necklace to the fact that he was shirtless. I wondered if he was as stoned as he seemed, or if that was just an act.

“Uh, thanks.” I shook my head. “That’s really nice of you, but I don’t want to impose. It’s just—my car broke down, on my way back from—well, you don’t care, I won’t bore you with the details. But I was hoping I could maybe borrow Blake’s car to get home, or even crash here tonight. I took a cab from the mechanic’s. Is it okay if I wait here? I don’t have a student ID for the library.”

I wondered if I was laying it on too thick, but Dev and Taylor didn’t even look up from whatever video game they were playing, and Matty just shrugged.

“Suit yourself.” He dropped into an armchair. “If you change your mind, we’ve got wings coming in—” he glanced at his phone “—twenty-three minutes.”

“Thanks.” I smiled awkwardly. “I’ll, uh, go wait in Blake’s room.”

His roommates were nice enough, but I had no idea what to say to them if I stayed out there. Plus, they might start asking questions, and I didn’t want to build more details into my cover story that I might have to remember later.

With a wave, I headed down the hall to Blake’s room. It was tiny, and a bit sterile with its white cinderblock walls and narrow window, but it smelled like him. I closed the door behind me and flung myself onto his bed, inhaling the scent of his shampoo—green tea and lemon verbena—from his sheets.

God, I missed him. He was less than a mile away from me right now. I rolled onto my back and smiled up at the ceiling. I couldn’t wait to give him my good news…and let him give me a little something in return. I was going to tear his clothes off as soon as he walked through the door.

Maybe, in fact, I could entice him into coming back from the library a little bit sooner. I pulled out my phone and texted him again.

HENRY: Hey, so there might be a package waiting for you when you come back from the library…

When Blake still hadn’t responded after ten minutes, I took it a step further. I stripped, folded my clothes neatly at the end of the bed, and took a picture of my dick.

HENRY: And by package, I mean this…

I sent the picture with a grin, then glanced down at my bag. Now that I was naked, there was no reason I couldn’t tease Blake more, right? After all, we’d already established that it didn’t break our no-jerking-off pact if it was in the service of the other one getting off.

Which was how I found myself, five minutes later, up on all fours on Blake’s bed, slowly working that dildo into my ass. It really was massive. Blake had a mirror on the back of his door and I was facing away from it, so I could look over my shoulder and watch my hole stretch around the bulbous head.

Fuck, that was hot. Now, if I could just get my phone into the right position—

“Hey, I couldn’t remember, did you want chicken wings or not?”

My heart leapt into my throat as Blake’s door opened with a bang. Matty stood in the hall, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open.

The dildo fell out of my ass with a wet plop.