“Do you want me to pull out?” I asked when he looked up at me, his liquid brown eyes warm and dazed.
He shook his head. “No. I meant it. I want you to come inside me.”
When I said something like that, it was usually a cue for Blake to talk even dirtier. To tell me he was going to fill me up, that he was going to fuck my tight hole until I begged for his load.
But the way Blake said it opened a different door inside my chest, leading somewhere almost sacred. Every time he came in me, I felt like he was making mehis. Giving me a part of him to keep. I might not be able to tell him in words that I loved him, but I’d do the best I could with my body. Worship him with my lips, my cock, my soul.
“Come inside me. Come inside me.” He repeated it like a mantra.
His fingers dug into my skin, and I realized how ridiculous it was to think that just because our roles were reversed, I was somehow in control. When it came to Blake, I’d always been helpless. He blew past my defenses, leveling me with a single phrase.
“Come inside me,” he whispered, and my cock throbbed, spilling deep in his ass.
Blake moaned wordlessly, his fingers pressing hard, beckoning me deeper. When I finally stilled, I fell down onto him, and he wrapped his arms around me like he was afraid I might slip away.
I tried to pull out, aware that the sun had risen, that my parents would be waking up soon, that we had to face the day, but he just held me tighter.
“Don’t go anywhere,” he whispered. I felt the dampness of tears on his cheeks. “Please. Just don’t go anywhere.”
* * *
“Who puts grapes in their fro-yo?” I asked Blake later that day on the beach. The water was still freezing at this time of year, but the sun was shining, and it was a gorgeous day for a walk.
He’d finally snuck out of my house around eight and gone home to sleep for a few hours. But at two, he’d called and asked if we could meet up again. Obviously, I’d said yes.
“Not grapes,” Blake said, scooping one out of his cup and holding it between his teeth for a moment before chomping down. “Frozen grapes. There’s a difference.”
“They’re both still ridiculously healthy,” I grumbled. “Fro-yo is not a time for being nutrition-conscious. It’s a time to load your cup with as many gummy bears as possible, and then add the world’s tiniest dollop of vanilla yogurt to help bind it all together.”
“Got it. The kind of load you like to take is gummy bears swirled together in a sticky white sauce.” He nodded thoughtfully. “It might take me a few days to get the required volume of cum, but I’ll make sure I save it in the freezer and I’ll buy a package of Haribo before I see you next time. You said you had a funnel, right? With a little ingenuity, I’m sure we can make this work.”
“Ugh, gross. I saidload your cup, not my ass.” I made a face. “Get your mind out of the gutter.”
“Excuse me, I don’t thinkMr. I Shoved a Popsicle Up My Ass at Age Fifteengets to tell me I’m the filthy one.”
“Youthful recklessness,” I said primly. “I’ve learned and grown since then.”
“Well, I never got to have that kind of recklessness,” Blake reasoned. “Not with a guy, anyway. I need to make up for lost time.”
“By putting frozen desserts insidemyass? Why can’t you put them in yours?”
He grinned wickedly. “Because I can’t eat frozen gummy bears out of my own ass. Out of yours, though…”
“Oh God, that’s disgusting.” I laughed. “They wouldn’t even be frozen anymore. They’d be all warm and slimy.”
“You’re trying to tell me you’re not even a little bit intrigued?” He arched an eyebrow.
“I think you’re imagining them popping out one-by-one, like some kind of anal Pez dispenser. But how do you know they wouldn’t all glom together and fuse into some giant, sticky ball?”
“So, like, a really big, fruit-flavored butt plug?” Blake cocked his head to the side. “I’m still not seeing the downside to this.”
I snorted and shoved his arm. He stumbled and laughed, then charged me. I tried to dance out of the way, but I wasn’t fast enough. He wrapped his arms around me and tickled my waist.
I flailed, which sent my yogurt cup flying. His wasn’t far behind, but I couldn’t spare the energy to see where they’d landed. I was too busy laughing and yelling, until a voice behind us said, “Oh my God, why can’tIfind a boyfriend like that?”
Blake’s hands fell away from me in an instant. We both turned to see a group of teenagers walk past us. The speaker was a girl with long black hair, giggling with her friend. They blushed furiously when they realized we’d seen them, then giggled some more.
I rolled my eyes and turned to grin at Blake, but my smile faded when I saw how panicked he looked.