My head snapped up. “Look, if you have a point to make, why don’t you make it instead of muttering little comments you’re too scared to say to my face.”
The man glared at me. I glared right back.
“I have nothing to say to men who engage in that kind of fornication. Animals who delight in sodomy.”
“Who said anything about animals?” I asked. “Idodelight in sodomy, I can’t deny that, but if you’re going to go accusing me of stuff, please at least be accurate. I’m quite happy sticking to my own species. There are more than enough men to go around.”
“An abomination,” the man growled. “If you display it freely in public, you truly are no better than an animal.”
“Dude, I’m writing dirty notes on my phone, not getting railed on a pile of lifejackets. There’s a difference.”
“If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them,” the man intoned.
I was pretty sure that was a bible quote, though I’d stopped going to church in high school, so my knowledge was a bit rusty.
“No one’s making you look,” I snapped. “If you don’t like it, move. Now, if you’ll pardon me, I have an essay to finish.” I paused, then smiled. “Do you think, ‘Breed me, Daddy,’ sounds like something an eighteen-year-old would say? Maybe I should go with, ‘Give me your cum, Daddy.’ A little more—Jesus, ow! What the fuck?”
I looked down at my lap in shock. I was soaking wet—not with cum from my hypothetical stepdad and all his buddies, but with coffee from the man’s cup. Little droplets of it clung to my phone screen, and when I looked up, the man was shaking his now-inverted cup in my direction.
“How clumsy of me,” he said when he caught me looking. He smiled coldly. “I pray that God shows you the error of your ways.”
“The error ofmyways? Buddy, if anyone’s ways are in error, it’s—”
But it was too late. He was already walking away. People were staring at me now, but none of them were close enough to have heard the earlier parts of our interaction. To their eyes, I just looked like an asshole with a lapful of coffee, yelling at an old man.
I could have screamed. I could have cried. But I wasn’t going to. Even though nothing about today was going right, I didn’t need to make myself look even dumber in front of a bunch of strangers.
I stood up, my hands balled into fists. I was going to find the bathroom on this ferry, put on a fresh change of clothes, and—
“Fuck!” I said, louder than I meant to. Heads turned in my direction, and it was all I could do not to let out a wordless yell at the sky.
I wasn’t going to put on a fresh change of clothes because I didn’thaveone. My bags were in fucking Missouri. I wiped my phone screen on my pants—they were ruined anyway—and hit ‘Publish’ on my post. I wasn’t taking sixteen ounces of scalding hot coffee to the groin for nothing.
Then I went to look for a bathroom. Maybe I couldn’t change, but I could at least try to clean up a bit. That, or have a mental breakdown in private.
Eventually, I found a little one-stall unisex bathroom tucked beneath a stairwell to the upper level. I ducked in and slammed the door behind me, then leaned against it for a minute. I was fine. I wasgoingto be fine. Everything would be fine…someday.
I looked down at my legs and sighed, then kicked out of my shoes. I tried not to think about all the germs now touching the bottom of my socks as I stripped my jeans off and, after a moment’s thought, my briefs too.
I was going to be soaking wet regardless, but maybe I could rinse some of the coffee out of my clothes in the sink. The water that came out of the tap was frigid. It was hard to tell if my clothes were getting any lighter, but the sink basin did turn a satisfying brown.
I was wringing my underwear out when my phone pinged, then pinged again, and again, a cascade of notifications from CamFans pouring in. I left my briefs draped over the edge of the sink, then walked over to the window ledge and picked my phone up.
@Spacegurl4u: So fucking hot. I love your imagination!
@DaddysInCharge: You’re insatiable, aren’t you? I would love to give you what you need, along with all my friends. Love, Daddy
@Purplecumluvr: I love to think about you touching yourself as you wrote this. I wonder if you played with your cock or if you fingered your hole
I snorted. I could only imagine how that man on the bench would have reacted if I’d started jerking off as I wrote that post. Getting arrested for indecent exposure might have been worth it, just to see the look on his face.
I was decidedlynothard right now—hot coffee burning your dick tends to have that effect—but I took a hold of my cock and gave it an experimental tug. What was it I’d said to him about getting railed on a pile of life vests? Maybe the ferry captain was hot. Or the first mate.
There was something kind of gay about the titlefirst mate, wasn’t there? It just sounded queer. I stroked myself, getting harder as I played a scene out in my head—me standing against the railing of the deck, and a hot-but-vague guy in a sailor’s suit coming up behind me.
I could almost feel the press of his erection against my ass, could hear the way I would whine as he rubbed it against me. I’d reach back and find he’d already freed himself from his pants, feel his long, thick cock in my hand. He’d shove my jeans down, pressing the head of his dick to my hole.
Fuck, thatwashot. With a sudden burst of inspiration, I pulled up the camera on my phone. This wasn’t quite the video I’d planned, but nothing said I couldn’t film two in one day.