Page 43 of New Year's Faye

"We don't brood," Jay and Sam said simultaneously.

"Sure, you don't." Frankie winked at me. "The rest of the family are out back."

I followed her to the dining room, hearing voices drifting from the back porch. Something about football and endless possibilities.

Jay and Frankie’s house had once been a small beach bungalow but at some point Jay had blown out the rear of the property to expand it into a full indoor/outdoor living area. In summer all the doors and windows could be left open, inviting in the warm sea breeze. While on days like today when winter had settled into your bones and snow piled on the ground, the triple-glazed storm-glass was closed tight, sealing us into a warm, cozy house.

“They’re here!”

I wasn’t sure who called out, but in the next instance we were swarmed by both Sam’s family and—surprisingly—my own.

“Dad? Mom?”

“"Baby!" My mother, Nora, wrapped me in her arms, pulling me tight against her. "You're too thin. Are you eating enough on tour?"

"She is," Sam answered before I could, accepting a handshake from my father. "I make sure of it."

"Good man," my dad said, clapping Sam on the shoulder. "Though you couldn’t have waited for us to be at the wedding?"

"Chidi," my mother scolded. "They're young and in love. Sometimes these things just happen."

I caught Sam's eye over my mother's shoulder, finding him fighting a grin.

"Speaking of the wedding," Karen, Sam’s adopted mom said, swooping in to steal me from my mother's arms.

"Will and I are thinking we could throw you a renewal ceremony. Something small, intimate..."

"With proper planning this time," Will added, ruffling Sam's hair as he passed. "Though I have to admit, the unicorn celebrant was a nice touch."

"I need a drink," I muttered.

"Way ahead of you," my brother called from the kitchen. "Wine's breathing.” He walked in holding a bunch of glasses in his hands. “Mom wants to discuss the sleeping arrangements for Christmas."

"It's January," Sam said, exchanging another glance with me.

"Exactly! Only eleven months to plan!" Karen linked arms with my mother. "Nora and I were thinking we could try James’ lake house?"

“Don’t drag me into this!” James protested from his spot beside Hazel on the couch.

"Or we could all rent a ski cabin," my mother countered. "Somewhere the whole family can stay together."

“Ash is thinking of buying one,” Millie said from where she stood with her husband, attempting to soothe a screaming toddler. “Right, babe?”

“Um, sure,” he said, wincing as a small fist flew against his chest.

"The whole family meaning...?" I asked warily.

"Us," Mom said, making an all encompassing gesture.

"Great," Sam muttered.

"I need a drink," I announced to no one in particular.

As if on cue, Sam appeared at my side, pressing a glass of wine into my hand.

"Breathe," he murmured against my ear. "They're just teasing."

"They're planning our future," I whispered back.