Page 6 of In a Pinch

“You work for one of the most successful offices in Colorado. Why the hell do they need to lay you off? Did they fire a lawyer?”

“Nope, just little ole me.” I make my way to the kitchen, deciding I might just need to drink straight from the bottle tonight. “Yup. So, tonight, I will be drowning my sorrows in cheap wine and adding some pizzazz to my résumé. Also, I may have accidentally let my inner bitch out for a few seconds. So, I can't really say they will be giving me a strong reference.” I stoop into the chair, feeling every bit of the shitty day I am having crash into me.

Ugh, I probably should have kept my mouth shut, but it’s just in my DNA to let people know they’re being idiots and making a horrible decision. However, I am feeling like an idiot now. Mouthing off might have caused me to have a random four-year gap in my résumé. That’ll be fun trying to explain.

“Oh no. How bad did you go off?”

“Um, well, I told the HR lady to shut up in a way that HR might consider to be a little hostile, and then I insulted their decision-making skills. Which, honestly, who could blame me? They picked Maggie. Oh, and then I thanked them for setting me free from the dumpster fire that is their office.”

I hear crickets on the other end of the line, followed by laughter. Lots and lots of laughter.

“I’m sorry,” Isla says between fits of laughter. “Well, friend, you really went out with a bang. I would advise against putting them on your résumé at all costs. Or only giving them a specific name and number to call.”

“Yeah, I told my boss's secretary that she's going to have to pretend to be the boss when my next job comes calling. Not sure how believable that will be, but it is worth a shot. We can laugh about it together in a couple months! I am so excited to see you. It’ll be a good get-a-way after this shit show.”

“Yes! Also, you aren’t the only one with a shit show today. My wedding planner has completely ghosted me. Like, I haven’t heard a peep from her since she said she would start booking things. We were supposed to do a video call this week, but she never showed up and hasn’t responded.”

“Oh no! Do you know where she was at with booking things?” Knowing next to nothing about wedding venues in Maine, I immediately put her on speaker and start googling.

“I have a list of vendors she planned to contact, but have no idea where we’re at with that. So, I sent an email that I will be terminating the contract and seeking legal action if shedoesn’t respond. Literally, nothing. I’m so pissed. As if planning a wedding isn’t stressful enough.”

“That is awful. Well, if you want me to hunt her down and egg her car or something, just let me know. I’m already on a war path. She will never even see it coming. I wish I was there to help you more.”

“You will be here soon enough. And, realistically, I’ve been engaged for, like, what? Two weeks? I’ve got time to figure it out. The wedding isn’t ‘til June. Anyways, Cal will be home any minute, and I need to finish dinner. Poor guy works late and comes home to bland, burnt chicken. I need to take some cooking classes or something before I set our freaking condo on fire. Are you good? I can leave you on speaker while I cook.”

“Yeah, I am good. I’m probably better off than Cal is about to be, anyways.” Jabbing at her lack of cooking skills is just too easy.

“Ha-ha, you’re so funny. I hope you step on a Lego. I’m going to go before you can insult my culinary finesse anymore. Bye, bitch.”

“Bye, bitchier bitch.” I hear her chuckle before the line drops.

Well, at least I have that trip to keep my spirits up. Now, to go search for a job. Without a job, my degree is just a really expensive piece of paper hanging on my wall.

A wave of sadness hits me as I think about the fact that I will probably never find a job at a law office again. Well, I could, but not with the office management position. I love law. I love the snark of legal battles, and the skill and knowledge that you have to have.

I never had any desire to be a lawyer, but I love being immersed in the office. It may not seem like it, but even as a legal assistant, if I drop the ball, there is a good chance shit will go south really quick. You have to have your wits about you and be organized and efficient. All things I thrive at.

More than that, I love to lead. Hence, wanting the management position. I want to lead the team, help the lawyers when needed, and finally move up in the world.

My phone dings, and a text from Kelly, my roommate, comes through.

Hey girl, I won’t be in tonight, I will be staying with Kyler.

Well, at least I don't have to tell her about my mortifying day. Probably won’t have to tell her tomorrow, either. We are friendly enough, but we were somewhat closer before she started dating Kyler. Her life changed and mine stayed exactly the same.

We initially started at the same office together, but she literally lasted two weeks. Which was probably for the best, thinking back. Living and working with someone sounds like a bit too much. She moved on to a different job, but stayed here with me.

Everyone else around me is moving forward, and I feel like my feet are glued where I am. Shit, even Isla had the balls to move across the country, and she's usually the shy one. I’m starting to feel like one of those kids who peaked in high school. I just need a sign from the universe on where I am supposed to go next. Not a subtle one, either. I need to be slapped across the face with it.

Chapter Three


Clicking send, I hit submit on yet another job application. My fingertips literally hurt from how many positions I have applied to. Some require a commute, some are close enough to not be a big deal, and a lot are a step down. In a lot of smaller law offices, you can do all the things and be both a legal assistant and receptionist. Talking to people for the good of a case? Here for it. Talking to the general public? Not so much. But a job is a job, and hopefully, I can move back on up.

It’s been a week since I was “let go,” and I haven’t heard a peep from a single job I have applied to. My job hunt started immediately, since sitting still and idle doesn’t tend to work for me. Having a job gives me a purpose, and right now, I just feel like a big ole blob. The good news is my apartment has neverbeen cleaner. I’ve stress cleaned every inch of this place. Twice. Ugh, I need a job. Or a free hobby.

With my luck, Mindi is probably out on vacation and Maggie is answering calls from inquiring employers. My head sinks into my hands as I let out a big groan, and the cold countertop of my kitchen bar seeps into my skin. My backup savings will only last me about two months. I try to save more, but let’s be honest, on my salary with rent and inflation, I’m saving approximately seven cents per paycheck. I literally just need one thing to go my way. Come on, universe. Throw me a bone.