Chapter Five

“You look absolutely ravishing Clara,” Tariq complimented.

Clara flushed.

“Thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself,” she responded timidly. Her lashes lowered in an attempt to hide her pleasure. She had taken great care with her appearance tonight.

“This place is amazing,” she gushed, looking around the expensive restaurant. The dimply lit room gave off a romantic ambiance. They sat in a private area, closed off from the public for the safety of the Sheikh.

“I’m glad you like here. It is one of my favorite places.” He studied her for a brief moment. “So, tell me about yourself, Clara.”

His question had stalled her with her fork on the way up to her mouth, she placed it back on her plate. Her brows lifted.

“Don’t you know everything there is to know about me already? I’m pretty sure you had a background check done on me.”

“Actually, I did not. So please humor me, I would love to get to know you better.”

She was shocked that he had not ordered his people look into her life.

“There isn’t much to tell, my life in nowhere near as exciting as yours.”

He cocked an eyebrow.

“How about you start by telling me about who hurt you in the past.” Her gaze flew to his then quickly dropped to the table. She took up her glass of wine and took large gulps. She studied the white table cloth, which all of a sudden became fascinating to her.

“I am waiting, Clara,” he said softly.

She sighed. I might as well come clean.

“I was married.” She waited for the look of outrage and disgust to appear on his face. He probably wouldn’t find a divorced woman appealing.

“What happened?” he enquired.

His lack of judgment startled her. She was now encouraged to share a bit more of the sordid details.

“My ex-husband and I met in college; we foolishly got married very young. He was um… unfaithful so I divorced him. Actually, he asked for a divorce so he could be with another woman and I gave him what he wanted.”

“He must be a fool to let someone like you get away.”

She smiled weakly.

“Well, I guess my best friend was more appealing to him so he went for her instead.” She despised the sadness that still welled up inside her when she thought of such betrayal from two people she thought loved her. Now she couldn’t entrust her heart to anyone.

“You did the right thing to let him go, Clara. You don’t need someone like that in your life.” I am the one you need, he added silently.

“I suppose, but that doesn’t stop the pain, though.” She shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

Detecting her unease, he changed the topic.

“What about the friend that you have here? The one that you went out with yesterday.” His tone dripped with contempt.

Clara nearly laughed out loud.

“What about her?”

“Her? It is not a man?”

“No, you just assumed that is it was.”