Chapter Four

“What do you mean she is gone?” Tariq roared. He stared down at the palace guard standing before him.

The man cowered, with his head bowed.

“Sh-she said that she was going to meet a friend Your Highness. I tried to stop her, but she would not listen.”

Tariq threw his hands in the air and muttered to himself about the inability to find competent staff.

“You are dismissed,” he sneered. The guard quickly scurried off, grateful to get away from his boss’s rage. Tariq ran a hand over his face. He had come home to find both Salma and Clara gone. He was not worried about his sister since she was in Karim’s care. But upon discovering that Clara had ventured into the city without protection made him livid. She had gone out to meet a friend. What friend would that be? Had she gotten involved with another man in his absence? The mere thought caused a feral growl to rumble in his chest. He had a few choice words for Ms. McKellar when she got back. She deserved to be put over his knee and spanked for her foolish decision to leave the palace walls. The conjured image of her over his knee with her bare backside in the air caused him to harden. He muttered a curse and headed to the bar to pour a drink.

Over his week away, Clara had taken over his every thought. He yearned to have her in his arms once again, which he found confusing as he could have just about any female he desired. But, Clara was the one he wanted. He would have her, he was sure of it. He knew she was affected by him as much as he was affected by her. She could only fight her attraction to him for so long.


Clara casually entered the dining room wearing a broad smile. Her afternoon with Amani had been amazing. It was great to see her old friend after so many years. They had chatted endlessly about the old days and the present. She jumped when someone moved out of the shadows from across the room.

“Tariq, you’re back.” Her heart leaped in her chest, but she kept up her smile. Her smile faltered, noticing that his features were clouded with anger.

“Clara,” he said lowly “Have a seat.”

She took tentative steps to the table.

“Won’t Salma be joining us?” She asked.

“She is not feeling well and decided to dine in her quarters tonight.”

“Oh no, what’s wrong? I should go to see her.” She pushed her chair back to rise from the seat.

“You will stay right here,” he ordered. “She is fine, I already checked on her. Eat.”

Clara’s eyebrows shot up at his command. But, she humored him because he appeared so upset. Maybe he had a bad day, she thought, picking up her fork.

“How was your trip to England?” She asked with a smile.

“It was fine. How was your day? Did you have a good time with your friend?” His tone was underlined with fury and suspicion. Was she imagining things or did she hear jealousy as well?

She cocked an eyebrow. Did he think that she went on a date or something? She studied his brooding expression and clenched fist resting on the table. She shoved down a laugh. That was it; he thought she went out to meet a man. She couldn’t resist making the arrogant man squirm.

“I sure did. The best time I’ve had since I got to this country,” she drawled.

His nostril flared.

“Is that so? You were gone a long time. I waited hours for you to return. Where did you go?”

“If you must know, we went for lunch, and then I went back to my friend’s place for a while,” she replied nonchalantly.

Tariq’s hand gripped his fork so tightly, his knuckles turned white.

“You went out without the protection of a guard, which was incredibly foolish.”

“Well, maybe I didn’t want any of your guards in my personal business. Just like I don’t want you in my personal business right now,” she hissed. “Besides my friend is a native. I was in good hands.”

Before she realized what was happening, he jumped to his feet and reached the other side of the dining table. Her chair was lifted off the floor and she found herself facing him. He loomed over her and she shrank back into the chair, her eyes wide shock.

“I will be in your personal business as much I please because you are my business,” he roared.

Clara gasped, outraged by his words and his behavior.