“For goodness sake mom, I just got here. I’m fine and I already love it here.” She ignored her mother’s disappointed grunt and continued. “Sorry I didn’t call sooner, I was with my employer. Anyway, I can’t stay on the phone too long. I’m still on roaming and it will cost me an arm and leg. But as soon as I get a phone here, I will call and we can chat. Okay?”

Abril groaned, “Ok querida, as long as you are alright. I miss you. We all do.”

Clara shook her head. She hadn’t even been in Saudi Arabia for a full day.

“I miss you guys too. Bye mom, love you.” She hung up the phone before Abril fell into her dramatics and started sobbing.


Clara was the first to make it to the dining room. She waited nervously for her royal dinner companions to arrive. A flurry of movement caught her attention. Tariq and Salma entered the dining room followed but a small group of two other men and a woman. She swallowed hard wondering who they were. She had assumed she would only be dining with the siblings. As if that wouldn’t have been hard enough to manage, she thought. Her eyes swerved to Tariq. He captured her gaze and for a brief moment, it was as if everyone else disappeared from the room. She suddenly felt a bit overheated.

Salma stepped forward.

“Clara, you look lovely. These are our cousins, Asad and his wife Aaliyah and his brother Hakim.”

She nodded timidly to the three other guests.

“Hello.” She waited for each of them to extend their hands. Hakim took her hand into his, holding on for a moment too long. He gave her body an appreciative once over. He thought he was discrete about it but Clara noticed and so did Tariq. She frowned when he finally let her hand drop. She had the urge to wipe her hand down the length of her dress. Tariq’s eyes narrowed looking from her to Hakim, he came forward, subtly placing his body between her and his cousin.

He peered down at her.

“Good evening, Clara.” His baritone washed over her, causing her to shiver.

“Good evening, Prince Tariq.” Was it just her or did she sound out of breath?

“Let us sit everyone.” He turned to walk to the table, leaving Clara trying to mentally slow down her racing pulse. This is going to be a long night. To her chagrin, she was placed beside the lustful Hakim. Dammit. She eyed him warily. He gave her a wolfish grin and wink. As they feasted, Clara listened to the chatter swirling around her. The language often changed to Arabic. Hakim turned to her and apologized for the language switch.

“Oh no need to worry, Clara actually understands and speak our language fluently,” Salma piped in, beaming.

Hakim’s eyebrows shot up.

“Is that so? That is magnificent.” He leaned closer to her. “I wonder what other surprises I can find out about you tonight,” he murmured for her ears only.

Clara blanched, whipping around to shoot him an outraged expression. She glared at him, letting him know his comment was completely unacceptable.

Tariq studied the woman sitting just a few feet away from him. She was like an open book. He observed every emotion that played across her pretty face. He could tell that Hakim was making her uncomfortable with his usual outrageous flirtation. His eyes shifted to his cousin whose eyes kept dipping to Clara’s chest. Every time the man leaned into her, Tariq had to grip the edge of the table to keep from getting up and pouncing on the man. Cara was his. He had claimed her as such since the minute he laid eyes on her. He had to put a stop his cousin’s actions now before he ended up doing damage to the man.

“Clara, have you seen the palace’s garden?”

“Uh no, I haven’t,” she answered hesitantly.

“Come, I will show you now,” he declared.

Clara’s mouth opened and closed several times.

“Sure,” she dared not refuse.

Reaching outside, Tariq stopped abruptly and turned to her. She took a step back, her features twisted in concern.

“Have I done something wrong?” she asked.

“No, I just…wanted to get you alone,” he confessed.

Clara gaped at him, “O-oh,” was all she could get past her lips.

“I also realized that you needed to be rescued,” he said.

She smiled slightly.