“Don’t Trina me. I don’t want to hear if it wasgoodoramazing.That tells me nothing. Did he go down on you? Anal?”
I drop my face into my hands and laugh.
She is so insanely perfect. I couldn’t have two more different best friends, and I love them so much.
When I’m with them, I feel normal.
I laugh.
I feel supported and like the world can’t hurt me.
Even though Kael was. Perhaps it’s through their friendship that I found the courage to leave him. Knowing that I deserve much more.
I do.
I wish it was with Aidan, but there is too much water under the bridge.
But I need to talk to my girls.
“Yes, to the first and no to the second.” I giggle as Alice chugs her coffee with wide eyes.
She’s no virgin, but talking about really dirty stuff has always been way harder for her.
Trina, on the other hand...has zero filter.
“Love a man who can lick the puss well.” She nods knowingly.
Exhibit A.
“Anyway...” I fast forward the conversation after glancing around and seeing the old lady at the table next to us listening.
Can’t be sure if she’s disgusted or wants the next hot chapter in my story.
Narrated by Trina.
“No, he didn’t kill my dad, but my mom accused him of it. We broke up. I guess I believed for a time that he had.” I admitted. “Not guess. I did. He punched my dad and then hours later he died.”
“Holy hell.” Alice whispers.
“They didn’t charge him, and the autopsy said it wasn’t related, but...”
“Your mom still thinks it was him.” Trina finished.
She never warmed to my mom.
I nod slowly over and over.
“Go back a bit. Why did he punch your dad?” Alice asks.
My cheeks warm as I remember that night. Shame rises to the surface. Telling my friends that I grew up with an abusive dad and then married a man who did it isn’t exactly something to be proud of.
But it’s my story.
“He had his hand around my throat when Aidan walked in.”
“Good. Then he fucking deserved it,” Trina says point blank.
“He didn’t deserve to die, Trin.” Alice shoots her a glare.