I leap out of the way at the same time Ryder and Marshall push through the lunchroom doors. Marshall’s eyes light up. He’s always ready to join a rumble—even if he has no clue what it’s about.
Josh points at him. “Not today.”
“But, and hear me out, I was thinking, you know what we need?” Marshall asks in his heavy Texan accent that rivals mine.
“A mute button for you?” Ryder asks dryly.
“No, another round at the go-kart track.” Marshall shoves him.
“You literally destroyed one of the karts after smashing into all of us and getting us banned from the place for a year.” I cross my arms as I lean against the door.
Marshall smirks.
“Typical Green Beret guerrilla tactics.” Ryder shakes his head.
“Hey, no one said it was friendly warfare.” Marshall argues.
“It was a team building exercise,” Josh says, bewildered.
Although, why we thought it wouldn’t end up a colossal shit show is beyond me. Every member of the BHS team is paramilitary and competitive as hell.
It’s like a testosterone explosion.
“We had to replace that kart, so next time let’s do baseball or something cheaper.”
“An ocean swim.” Josh shrugs. “How much damage can we do to a beach?”
“Don’t fucking jinx it.” I push off the wall and walk into lunchroom, calling over my shoulder. “I’ll make sure Penny puts a small print in the email, so Marshall knows it’s not World War III and we find half the fucking team drowned.”
“I’m not a murderer...not my fault if they can’t swim.” We hear behind us as Josh follows me.
I roll my eyes.
He knows very well every man in this company is a prime military expert.
“JFC. You really think sending him on the black ops is a good idea?”
“Beside you and Ry, he’s the man I’d want by my side in battle,” I reply as I pour myself a coffee.
Along with Mack Cunningham. But he’s still working for Connor Barrett at Barrett Security in NYC.
For now.
Josh grabs a bottle of water out of the fridge, and we sit at one of the tables staring out across the Los Angeles skyline and talk business.
It’s rare for us to have formal meetings.
Often we’ll talk about things over a beer or while working out if we get private time in the office gym.
Not long later, my coffee now cold, Ryder joins us, this time with Savannah and...Jesus...Briar.
“Hi boys.” Savannah waves as she enters the room, like the celebrity she is.
“Hey, shit, I didn’t realize the time. I need to get going. I have a meeting in five.” Josh stands.
I sip the last of my coffee, grimace, and watch Briar as she hangs back near the door.
“What do you want to drink, B?” Ryder calls over his shoulder.