Next brawl.
“Stop!” Savannah cries. She’s half laughing, half serious.
“Do not upset my wife.” Ryder punches Josh.
“You just wanted to say wife.” I laugh and pull them both to their feet.
“Oh my god, you have grass stains on your shirt.” Briar slaps at Ryder's arm.
Then, she abruptly stops and takes a step back.
Josh and I quickly glance at each other.
Battered wife syndrome much?
There is a gun in the back of my pants, and I am so damn ready to spin around and point blank shoot Johnny Trevis in the middle of his forehead.
So fucking ready.
Briar licks her lips nervously and glances around, then stares out across the view of the city. Then suddenly hands Savannah her bouquet.
“Here. I just need to use the restroom,” Briar says.
Savannah takes the flowers without any fuss. Expecting Briar to turn and leave, I’m surprised when she lays a hand on her arm.
The hell is going on here?
I know this woman, and something isn’t right.
I watch her.
“The ceremony was so beautiful,” she says. “I’m so happy for you.”
“Thank you.” Savannah smiles, but like me, looks slightly confused by the little speech. “Hurry, we have a bunch more photos to do before the reception.”
She doesn’t hurry.
She smiles, nods, and then kisses Savannah’s cheek.
“That’s a goodbye speech,” Josh says quietly beside me.
“Yup. It is.”
“He’s planning to take her out of here.”
“Yup.” I press the comms into my ear. “Eyes on our target.”
“The eagle,” Marshall says.
Josh snickers.
My sense of humor is dead. All I’m focused on right now is getting Briar safely away from Trevis and getting him behind bars.
“Sorry Ry, shit’s about to go down.” I slap him on the shoulder.
“Goddamn.” He sighs and feels for his weapon.
It’s hidden, but I know it’s there.