Page 109 of The Marine

She believes what she believes and is adamant he killed Dad. I don’t see that changing.

And therefore, I am stuck in this loop of loving a man I can never be with or walking away from my mother.

I don’t understand how she can still love Dad, even now he’s six feet under.

I loved Kael—at least I thought I did.

When he started hurting me, that love started to wane. Day by day, he punched it out of me. Now? Now I mostly feel fear. And anxiety every time I think about pushing forward with the divorce and how he will react.

I feel sad and disappointed that my dreams of a happy marriage were shattered. Relief that we hadn’t had children yet and they aren’t caught in the middle of this separation.

Or worse, suffering from abuse like I lived through.

Not that I would have stood back like my mom did and allowed it.

You say that, but you let him hurt you.

And I feel trepidation that I’ve become involved with Aidan again and my feelings, which I packed away safely, have unearthed. Damn him for being so perfect.

Making love to him is the most sensual and magical experience. But it’s the little things he does. Kissing my shoulder as he walks past. Making my coffee the way he knows I like it.

Buttering my toast and cutting it diagonally. Only monsters cut it the other way. Aidan pays attention.

He has a power about him that Kael demands but doesn’t have. A dominance that makes me shiver in anticipation of his touch.

The way he watches me.

The slow quiet flame in his gaze which promises a pleasure he will absolutely deliver on. His large strong hands spreading my legs, palming my stomach, and pulling me closer to his talented tongue.

His thick fat cock which fills my core completely.

As I sat across from him this morning munching on my toast, I watched him eating his omelet and wondered what our children would look like.

What kind of dad would he be?

Strict? Definitely. Protective? God, yes.

Loving? Without a doubt.

Aidan would never leave me. Never raise a hand or threaten me. He would love me forever. He would consume me with his love.

I think that’s what scares me more than anything.

I don’t know if I can love him the way he loves me. So perfectly.

“What time are we getting our makeup done?” I ask, hanging up my dress.

“In an hour,” Savannah says.

“Any sign of the media?”

“None,” she replies, walking over to the mirror and sitting down to face me. “I hope no one leaks it. I really want this day to be private.”

“I’m sure it will be a lovely, quiet day, full of love and laughter.” I smile.

“Bitches we are here!” Scarlet announces as she and Cassy burst through the door with bottles of champagne.
