Page 74 of The Marine

Jesus, something has triggered her.

I find her long gray cardigan on the dining room chair, so take it with me outside.

“Hey,” I say, laying it over her shoulders when I go back outside.

She glances up and it’s like looking into an abyss.

Scrambling at her cardigan, she throws it at me.

“How dare you!” she hisses.

I’m so taken aback that I step away.

Is she having a mental breakdown?

“Mom. Calm down. What’s wrong?” My phone is in my pocket, and I wonder if I need to call a doctor.

“Him! You’re seeing him! How dare you?”

My eyes widen as I try to work out what she means. If she meanshim.There is only one man who can make her react like this.

She means Aidan.

How could she possibly know?

Oh fuck.

Mom holds her phone up, her hand shaking, but it’s enough for me to see the Instagram newsfeed. She follows me, Trina, and Alice because that’s what moms do. Occasionally she hearts our photos and puts some random comment.

Trina shared some photos of Saturday night, careful not to put Savannah in them.

But not Aidan.

Not the one of him sitting with his arm around me as I drunkenly pout in his direction.

Aidan, cool as a cucumber—and sated after fucking me in the bathroom—sits back like the tough and sexy Marine he is. My hand rests on his thick pec as I press my breasts into him.

“Hot, and I quote,Marines in the house. My god Briar. What are you doing with him?” Mom hisses.

I go to answer but instead slam my lips shut. I have no answer. No excuse. I wrap my arms around myself and glance down at the long, dry grass.

Shame and anger collide.

“He does Savannah’s security. I’m not with him.” I answer, partly lying.

But not completely.

“Don’t treat me like I’m an idiot.” She stands and storms into the house.

I follow.

“Does Kael know you are seeing someone else?”

Oh, my god! Fury plows into me.

How can she ask that when she knows exactly what I’ve been through with my husband? She knows everything. I’ve kept nothing from her.

She is the only person who knows.