Page 64 of The Marine

I walk into the café and push all thoughts of the Marine out of my head because he also doesn’t belong to me.

“Triple mochaccino latte please.” I say to the server as I sat in the seat opposite Kael.

“You’re late,” he says angrily, sipping his coffee.

Fuck you.

“Sorry.” I lie.

Date number two. One more to go—next week at the wedding—then I’m divorcing this asshole.

He agreed to this and even if he backs out of it, it is too bad. I’ve held up my end of the deal and can argue that I tried.

I don’t even think this will stop him from causing trouble, but I had to try. It made sense in my head at the time.

The thing is, Kael had no idea I wanted to leave him. He hasn’t spent years fearing for his life, being abused and hating me for it. So this is new to him. I felt it was fair to give him some time to come to grips with it.

Maybe that’s a lie.

I’m hoping these dates will give him time to accept it’s happening and restrain from any violent tendencies he might have.

It’s all very well getting a restraining order. But it's already illegal to hit or rape your wife so...yeah, this is my attempt at softening the blow.

I am leaving him.

He will give me a divorce.

The end.

“Where were you last night?”

I’ve never seen someone sip so aggressively the way Kael does. Who knew drinking coffee could be intimidating?

But it is when he does it.

“At work.” I kind of lie.

“On a Saturday night? Come on, Briar.” He rolls his eyes, then puts the cup down and leans forward. “I’ve told you before not to lie to me.”

“I’m not lying.” I fight not to flinch.

I am lying, though. For self-preservation. I will lie as much as is needed to keep myself safe from him.

Not sorry at all.

“You are coming over tonight.” He sits back after giving the order.

My heart thunders as my fear rises.

This was not the plan.

“No...I...Kael, I told you. Three dates.” I stammer.

“This is a fucking coffee, Briar. I haven’t fucked you for over two months.”

I almost vomit.

There is no way I want him touching me. Not after being with Aidan. Not after...everything.