Page 61 of The Marine

“What was that? Gareth?!” Mom raced out of the room, and I scrambled out of my chair and ran after her.

Dad was lying on the kitchen floor with broken glass around him.


The next hour was complete chaos and a blur. I’ve gone over and over it in my head for ten long years. Wishing I could turn back time and never introduce my father to Aidan.

Wishing I had remembered that Aidan’s phone was in my bag.

Wishing that I hadn’t gone on a date with him that night.


Doing something to change the events that unfolded that morning.

Mom called 911 as she simultaneously tried to resuscitate him. But I knew he was dead. It differed from when he was unconscious. I don’t know how I knew, but I could see that he was lifeless.

The paramedics arrived at some point and took over.

“Is he dead?” I whispered, wrapping my arms around myself. I don’t even know why I asked, given I was sure.

But I was eighteen, and I needed to hear it said out loud. One of them glanced at his watch and called time of death.

That’s when my mother began to scream.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, Gareth. No!” She collapsed as I’d backed away, shaking.

“What happened?” I asked, my voice almost drowned out by my mother.

“How?” I asked again.

“It looks like—”

“Briar?” I’d heard my name called and turned to find Aidan standing in the doorway, his face tight with concern.

I moved toward him, needing his arms around me. I took two steps and stopped when my mother screamed.He did it!

When I spun back around, my eyes bulged at the sight. She’d pointed at Aidan, accusing him of my father’s death, and then scrambled to her feet and tried to attack him.

“Woah.” Both the paramedics grabbed her as Aidan propped his hands on his hips and askedwhat the fuck is going on?

“You killed him. You killed my husband!”

I’d been in a state of shock.

My father was dead.

My mother had turned into a screaming insane woman.

My boyfriend accused of my father’s murder.

I didn’t know what was happening or what to do. And there was this small whisper which grew louder and louder, which asked,did he?

Had Aidan’s punch been that strong that it had caused delayed death? It all happened so fast.

“Wait just a fucking minute. I wasn’t even here!” Aidan growled. “Briar, come here.”
