Page 57 of The Marine

After seeing all that.

“Briar. I love you. I will damn well kill him if he fucking touches you like that again. Do you understand?”

I wrap my arms around his neck. My throat burns like a bitch as I sob and tell him I love him back.

Then the paramedics arrive and everything changes.




THERE’S NO RUNNINGfrom this and I wouldn’t, even if I’d thought about it three minutes ago.

Sirens fill the air, and I hear the emergency vehicles as they pull up outside.

“Aidan,” Briar’s scratchy voice from my lap pulls my focus back to her.

Not that it was ever gone.

“I’ve got you.” I hold her tighter and keep my eyes on her father as he sits up. It’s going to take him a little while to get his bearings. Not that I’ve knocked a man unconscious before.

But if anyone was going to make me do it, it’s someone trying to strangle the woman I love.

How fucking long has this been going on?

I know the answer. I just don’t want to hear it.


That’sprobablyhow long, by the looks of the fear on her mother’s face. She looks like her world is crumbling apart.

Someone has seen their biggest shame.

The paramedics burst through the doorway and take in the scene. One of them stares at me while the female crouches and drops her large bag.

“Sir, can you hear me? Can you understand me?” She’s pointing a light into his eyes as she takes his stats.

Briar’s mom is crying and telling them that I hit him. That I tried to kill him.

Not yet, lady, but I might.

The male drags his eyes down to Briar.

“Ma’am, I’d like to examine you. Are you able to walk? Can you come over here?”

Fucking hell. He thinks I’m dangerous. In truth, I’m a big guy, and I probably look a little insane holding onto Briar like she’s my everything.

She is.

So yeah, I’m probably a little terrifying right now.


No one is touching her.

Even though I know they need to take a look at her.