Page 52 of The Marine


“Briar,” he whispered roughly to me one night.

I placed my hand over his as our eyes twinkled in the natural flickering light.


“You’re mine forever. You know that, right?”

“Am I?” I whispered, almost dying from happiness.

“Yes. You wait. I’ll show you.” Then he pulled me closer and took my mouth again.

I knew that night I was falling in love with him.

But there was always this dark cloud. The lie I never told him about who I really was.

A little girl with a secret.

A home I desperately needed to escape from.

I was working hard to save money so I could move out, and it felt like time was running out. Dad had already started asking more questions when I said I was staying at a friend’s place for the night.

He’d seen Aidan’s car, but I hadn’t introduced them. I told Aidan I didn’t want my parents to know about him just yet. That they were quite controlling, and I’d rather wait until we knew we were serious.

Which was not far from the truth.

But wewereserious, and I didn’t want my father to scare him off.

“No. No!” I cried one night when my father demanded to meet him. He’d gripped my arm so tightly I thought it was going to break.

So tonight Aidan came to the door to collect me. Dad was sober, and I swear I was trembling.

There’s a reason I chose a Monday night. Because Dad usually didn’t drink on that day. Although he didn’t need alcohol to go into one of his terrifying rages.

It was just how he was.

He told us it was because of the money. Always worrying about paying the bills and that we didn’t understand the burden. What I didn’t understand was why he turned into a monster, but my mom, who also worked to pay the bills, didn’t.

Actually I wondered about that when I was younger. Now I’m older, I think he enjoys it. Enjoys scaring us. Enjoys controlling us.

Moving out is my only focus and I’m close.

Hopefully before Aidan finds out. I’d rather tell him once I’m out of there and can show him I’m not that girl anymore.

So far, I’ve been able to explain all my wounds.

I’ve had numerous broken bones, bruises, and one concussion throughout the years. Mom taught me how to hide the evidence with makeup and clothing.

It’s fucked up, but it’s our life.

I’m about five hundred dollars away from getting my own place. I have a plan. If Aidan joins the military, as he says he wants to, then he’ll go away for training for a few months—so he tells me—and by the time he’s back, I’ll be moved.

He'll never need to know about what Dad does.

I can’t lose him...I’m falling in love with him.

“So, what are your intentions with my daughter?” My father asked when I introduced them earlier tonight. I watched them both grip the other's hand painfully.