Page 137 of The Marine

She turns to face me, and I can just see her eyes through her sunglasses. I lift mine and she does the same.

“I don’t want to live my life anymore,” she replies, her eyes locked with mine. It feels like we are finally telling one another the truth.

For the first time.

“What do you want?” I ask.

She glances away, and I take her chin and force her back. “Briar. What do you want?”

“Things I can’t have. A dream I once had.”

She sits up and I do the same. If she thinks she’s walking away again, then I have bad news for her.

I’m not letting her.

Not this time.

I’m almost certain she hasn’t seen the news, and that Johnny Trevis is in custody. That her marriage toKaelwasn’t real.

“Why are you here?”

“For you,” I say without hesitation.

“You told me to go back to my husband,” Briar replies, and I can hear the hurt in her voice.

“You said you weren’t leaving him,” I retort, letting her hear my own pain, even though I know it wasn’t the truth.

Briar glances out at the ocean. “I lied. Aidan, I don’t know how we can be together. Or if you want me. I don’t know anything anymore.”

Fuck me, she’s breaking my heart. I stand and pull her to her feet.

“Before I tell you anything else, I want you to know two things. One, Briar Sutton, you have always been mine, and two, I’ve been waiting for you. All my damn life.”

Her eyes glisten.

It's then I realize she never took Kael’s name. His fake name. She kept her maiden name and while I understand many woman don’t these days, it feels poignant.

“I lied. There are three things. I’m also not letting you go.”

She lets out a teary little laugh.

“And I’m going to marry you. We’re going to have little babies and bring them to this beach. They’re going to have your beautiful green eyes, and our daughter will be brunette and trouble like you.”

“Aidan, stop.” A tear runs down her cheek as she smiles. “You know this won’t work for us.”

“Oh, it will work. I’m marrying you.” I say firmly as Briar’s eyes lock onto mine. “I spoke to your mother.”

“What?!” Her eyes widen and I figure I may as well just spit it all out.

“Kael isn’t who he says he is, sweetheart. Your husband is a fugitive. Was. He’s now behind bars.”


“WHAT?” she cries, and a few people glance our way. “What are you talking about?”

I reach down and pick up her bag.

“Let’s head back to your room. There’s a lot more to tell you.”