I smile.
“Now, be a good boy and walk out of here really quietly.”
“The fuck is this?” He hisses once more.
“The boys in blue have new accommodations for you...Johnny Trevis.”
Trevis jolts in surprise, turns, and, like an idiot, tries to run. I reach out and grab his neck as Josh stabs the gun into him hard.
“Whoa there, tiger, settle down. This is our buddy’s wedding.”
A few people around us react.
Marshall steps in.
“Nothing to see here, folks. Isn’t it time for the Macarena?”
Josh snorts.
“Make a sound and he will shoot.” I warn, but honestly, my fingers are so tight around his throat he really isn’t able to.
Or breathe.
Hiking my skirt up, I push the window open farther and mentally shake my head at what a cliché this is.
Climbing out the damn window at a wedding.
But I’m not the bride on the run. I’m a married woman running from...everything.
From everyone.