Page 116 of The Marine

He’s not moving.

He looks deadly and dangerous.

Oh shit.

I shoot him a smile, but his expression doesn’t change.


Did he see me smile at Aidan? Of course he did. I’m standing right in front of everyone on a podium.


Dumb stupid idiot.

Ryder and Savannah take a few steps and face everyone, grinning like idiots as the officiant announces them as Mr. and Mrs. St. James. Then they start their walk down the aisle as guests throw confetti and cheer.

Because I’m the only bridesmaid, Josh and Aidan wait for me to step forward first. Before I take a step, Aidan leans into my hair and whispers. “You look fucking beautiful.”

My lids drop, and I smile, turning to him.

“Thank you.”

“Now, go to your husband.” He nods out in Kael’s direction.


I stare at him, as Josh hurries me along with a tap on my arm and feel my heart crumble.

Aidan doesn’t want me.

Is that what he’s saying? That I should stay with Kael?

He doesn’t love me. He can’t. There is no way that the Aidan I know would tell me to go back to a man who’s been abusing me.

How could I have been so goddamn wrong about him? About all of this?

Are you divorcing him?


Did I really think he would want me forever? Wait for me forever? I realize I have double standards right now, as I walk along the petal strewn aisle feeling like I’ve just lost the most important thing in my life, when I’ve been lying to him and know I could never be with him.

But having the choice ripped from me...hearing him say goodbye and set me free...I feel the ground wobble underneath me and trip.

Two sets of hands catch me.

“I’ve got her.” Aidan says roughly.

“I’ll take my wife.” Kael growls, and I watch Aidan nod and step away.

Like a stack of dominos, the walls of my heart fall piece by piece until it’s shattered mess on the floor.

“Come with me.” Kael squeezes my arm, and I know not to make a sound, so I bite my lip and go with him.

It’s what I’ve always done.

What he tells me.