Page 9 of Mark

“I…” Her eyes widen. “Oh my gosh, you are right.”

I nod. “I always am.”

She bumps her shoulder with mine. “I’m sorry I’m such a mess. It’s not just the flight. What if she gets sick while we are out at sea?”

“They have things in place for that, but Rose is a healthy, happy baby. Too happy, if you ask me. Aiden is still jealous shedoesn’t cry like Sunday did at her age. I know you had moments when she was a baby but it was nothing like how Sunday was.”

She laughs. “I know. He came round ours a few weeks ago and kept staring at me. I thought I was doing something wrong, but he explained he just wanted to know why she never cries. She does, just not as much as Sunday did as a baby.”

“What did you say?”

“I didn’t,” she admits, her smile spreading. “Jaxon told him she had nothing to cry about and that he would cry all the time if he had to listen to Aiden all the time.”

I wrap my arm around the back of her chair. “It’s all going to be okay.”

“Is Faith mad at me?”

I glance to where Faith and Beau are standing, seeing her watching us. “She’s worried about you, not mad. She doesn’t want to put any pressure on you and she feels like you’ll be upset if she tells you it’s okay if you want to go home.”

“I want to be here,” she assures me.

“I know. Why don’t you go and tell Jaxon to stop glaring at me, and I can go and tell Faith she doesn’t need to worry.”

She leans over, kissing my cheek. “You are the best brother ever.”

“Oh, I know. I’m going to get a T-shirt and make Aiden jealous,” I admit as I get to my feet.

She follows, chuckling. “Don’t you dare.”

“Already ordered,” I tease.

“You know he’ll only get himself one.”

I shrug. “Yeah, but his won’t be true.”

“I love you both equally.”

“I love you too. Now go be with your man because he seems like he’s itching to pick a fight.”

She lowers her head. “He’s worried about me.”

“Oh, Lily, Lily, Lily. You make it impossible for us to hate him.”

She smiles and it lights up her entire face. “Because hating him would mean you hate me. He’s a part of me.”

I sigh because she’s right. “Yeah.”

“Thank you for talking to me,” she tells me as Jaxon makes his way over.

“Any time. I’ll leave you to fill Jaxon in,” I tell her, then make my way over to Faith, who is wringing her hands together.

“Is she okay?”

“She’s fine. She’s just nervous. But I think I helped her see that she has no reason to be.”

“You?” Beau questions, his eyes widening.

“Yes me. I pointed out that she hasn’t had an episode in a long time, so she has no reason to worry about having one now.”