“I’m not playing mind games.”
I kiss the corner of her mouth. “Good. Because the only games I like to play are in the bedroom.”
“What? Just because—”
I grip her arse and pull her closer. I lean down, capturing her mouth. After a moment of coaxing, she opens, kissing me back.
Fuck, she tastes like candyfloss.
When I pull back, her eyes are a little dazed. “We are going to happen again, Freya.”
She places her hand on my chest to steady herself. “No, we aren’t. I’m not looking for a boyfriend, and I’m certainly not looking for a fling. Maybe if you lived somewhere else, I would be open to it, but you live across the hall.”
I study her, watching as her lip trembles slightly and the sparkle in her eyes dims.She wants something with me, but she’s too scared to ask for it.
“Why does there need to be labels?”
“I’m not saying I want a relationship, but I know I don’t want a fling either. Why can’t we just see where this goes?”
She sighs. “Mark, I get your ego must have taken a hit this morning when you found me gone, but this isn’t the answer.”
“There wasn’t a question,” I point out. “Wearegoing to see where this goes.”
“Why? I annoy you,” she points out.
I shrug. “According to you, I annoy you as well.”
“You test my patience,” she replies. “Doesn’t mean it’s grounds for… for whatever you are asking for.”
“Again, babe, I’m not asking for anything,” I tell her.
She rolls her eyes. “Don’t make me stab you with a spoon.”
My lips twitch. “You do that and I’ll spank you again.”
Her eyes narrow. “You are doing it again. You are testing me.”
“I’m going to do a lot of things to you again,” I rasp, and grind my erection against her. A puff of air slips past her lips. “And you’ll like it.”
Watching me more closely, her eyelids heavy with lust, she replies, “This is what you really want?”
She sighs. “I’m not making any promises, but I suppose if you want to give me multiple orgasms again, I won’t complain.”
“Good,” I muse, pressing my lips against hers, needing another taste. “Now, are you ready for bingo and trivia?”
“Is your uncle Max going to be on our team?” she questions.
I shake my head. “He’ll have his own table with Lake.”
“Only those two?” she asks. “I thought the minimum had to be three.”
I take her hand and lead her over to where we will be sitting with Charlotte, Drew, Faith and Beau. “Don’t let his behaviour fool you. That man could have had any job he wanted in the world, but he chose to be a coach.”
“Max? Really?” she asks with doubt. “But he’s like a toddler on crack.”