Page 139 of Mark

All I hear is me, me, me, and before I can stop myself, I’m raising my fist, aiming straight for her nose.

Her hands lifts to her nose, trying to stop the blood gushing over her mouth and chin as she stares at me in contempt. “You bitch.”

She steps forward, going to shove me, but I get there first. I scream at her, letting all the rage I should have felt last night consume me. Before I know it, we are on the ground, rolling around, pulling hair, but I make sure to get a few slaps in.

I land on top of her, pinning her arms to the side of her head as I scream in her face. “I hate you. I didn’t think I was capable of hating someone this much.”

“Get over yourself,” she yells, trying to get free. “It’s not the first time your ex has wanted me.”

“Is that what last night was about? You proving you could take someone from me? Because I hate to be the one to break it to you, but if someone can take my man, they can keep him. You disgust me.”

“You hate that I have Danny. I saw you all over him the other night. You actually made me believe you when you said you were over it.”

I grip her face and lean in close. “This may be difficult for you to grasp, and I promise, if I gave two fucks I’d draw you a picture, but I wouldn’t want Danny if it was the only way I could survive. He disgusts me just as much as you do. So you can keep him, because I’m telling you now, I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire. You and me, we are done. I never want to see your face again,” I choke out, and for a moment, I see a flash of panic and remorse. “You make me sick. I would never have treated you this way. And if I had known Danny was the guy you liked, Iwould have stepped aside, not rubbed it in your face. I hate you, Esther. I hate you!”

“Get off her!” Danny yells. “What the fuck do you think you are doing? She’s doing you a favour by coming out here to tell you Mark tried it on with her.”

I let out a dry laugh as I get to my feet. “Is that what she told you?”

He glances from me to Esther, and when Esther looks away, he turns back to me. “What are you talking about?”

I shake my head, feeling the same pity Esther felt for me. “I feel sorry for you. For both of you. You got together on lies and deceit, then expect your relationship to be something different.”

“Come on, honey, let’s go home,” Nanna gently orders.

I stop her from pulling me away. “No, not before I finally get out what I’ve been keeping in all these years.” I turn to Danny, not feeling an ounce of remorse. “You weren’t the only person she was sleeping with when we broke up. And the baby? Was never real. I should know because we shared a bathroom and she was still taking her contraception pill. And Mark never tried it on with her. I walked in with him between her legs and her bikini top was missing.”

His cheeks flame red as his jaw clenches. “You’re lying!”

“Is she?” Nanna questions. “Because Mark confirmed Esther orchestrated the entire thing to make Freya believe they were doing the naughty. Ask yourself why everyone is ignoring my granddaughter today. It’s because they are disgusted by her actions,” Nanna reveals. “And all she has to do to prove there was a baby is get a printed copy of her medical history.”

“You’ve got no idea what you’re talking about,” Esther hisses. “And Mark’s lying. He tried it on with me and now he’s trying to get out of it.”

I badly want to believe my nanna, because deep down, I still don’t believe he would do that to me. It’s why I’ve beenstruggling to grasp what I saw. His hatred for my sister runs deep and he barely knows her. You can’t fake that. But I still saw what I saw and I don’t want to believe anyone else again.

I turn to my sister. “Did you know Danny never planned to be with you after our breakup? He thought it would put me in line and make me want what he wanted. When it backfired, he went to the next best thing.”

“He loves me,” she grits out.

I lean forward, forcing a smile. “But not as much as he loved my mouth around his cock.”

“You fucking bitch.”

Danny pulls her back when she goes to slap me. “I think that’s enough, Freya.”

“Oh, it’s not. I’m not even done,” I snap before turning to Esther. “He left me a voicemail the week after you announced being together, pleading with me to take him back. He kept texting me, trying to call for ages after that night too. But your insecurities and paranoia were for nothing because I wouldn’t let him touch me with someone else’s dick.”

“Enough!” he roars. “You’ve said enough.”

“Not nearly enough,” I scream. “Is this what you wanted? Was this your way of hurting me the entire time? By taking away my family?”

“It has—”

“Nothing to do with me because you love her,” I tell him, using a sickly-sweet voice. “You two wouldn’t know what love is if it hit you in the face.”

“I told you she was jealous,” Esther accuses.

I snort. “Hate to break your heart, but I’m feeling a lot of things about you two right now and jealousy isn’t on that list. Angry, murderous, hatred? I feel those in waves. They are the words you are looking for.” I glance back to Danny, eyeing him up and down with my lip curled. “You told me I didn’t pay youenough attention and that’s why you broke up with me. I’m actually glad I let you talk first that night, because otherwise I would have been none-the-wiser about your cheating arse. As I was going to tell you I had been spending loads of time with Summer because she had a cancer scare. But what you did was better than her all clear news. I would wish you both happiness, but you aren’t even off your honeymoon and one of you is already trying to fuck other men and the other pays more attention to what his wife’s sister is doing than his own wife.”