“Your dad is going to kill mine,” Hayden declares, sounding happy about it.
Charlotte glances over to the far end of the stage where another man in drag is pulling Myles to the stage, Max helping him. Somehow, Max managed to get a wig, and a bikini top to go over his shirt. The things he does will never cease to amaze me.
“I’m going to the loo, then the bar. Anyone want me to grab anything?” I ask, wobbling as I get to my feet.
Shit, I think those cocktails were stronger than they tasted.
Hayden’s eyebrows pinch together as she watches me grab the chair for support. “Babe, we’ll get the drinks. You look like you might struggle to go to the toilet.”
I laugh because she isn’t wrong. “How much alcohol do they put in those cocktails?”
Charlotte hiccups. “I don’t think they measure them. They should do this at home. Everyone would be a lot happier. Aren’t you happy? I’m happy. Really happy.”
“I think the cocktails broke Charlotte,” Imogen slurs.
“My bladder is going to burst,” I announce. “Be back in a jiffy.”
I wobble my way through the crowd, laughing when I see Mum and Dad dancing. Mum spots me first and stops, wobblingher way over. “Oh baby, this is the best night ever. We need to do this more often.”
The flesh between my eyes creases as I scan her up and down. “Have you been on the cocktails, Mum?” I yell over the music.
“Yeah, but it’s fine,” she states, waving me off. “They weren’t that strong. I couldn’t taste the alcohol.”
I should tell her that’s the entire point, but it will be more fun to explain it to her in the morning when she’s sporting her second hangover on this cruise.
“Have fun!” I tell her, then continue on through the crowd.
How I make it to the toilet without falling is beyond me. I rest my head against the toilet roll holder, relief filling me as I empty my bladder.
I’m about to reach for the loo roll when the door to the bathroom opens, and voices I recognise enter.
“She’s embarrassing,” Diana declares. “I don’t know why Esther invited her or how the fuck she can forgive her so easily.”
“Freya has always been an attention seeker. They’re all so used to it. But I am surprised Auntie Maggie and Uncle Mitch are letting her behave the way she is with that guy.”
Hearing my own cousin slag me off isn’t surprising, but hurts nonetheless.
Diana snorts. “Doesn’t she realise she’s screaming desperation being all over him like that? I mean, he’s using her for a hook-up, but knowing Freya, she’ll want more.”
“She’ll want to get married just to copy Esther. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s fucking him to get pregnant just to outdo Esther.”
I inwardly snort. They couldn’t be further from the truth.
However, a small, nagging voice in my head is wondering if that’s how everyone sees me. Do they really think I’m that kind of person or is this just mean girl behaviour?
“I heard Maggie tell Esther that wouldn’t happen. Esther was worried about her sleeping with him for that reason too, but Maggie said that would never happen. Freya doesn’t take anything seriously. She’ll be over him before the cruise docks so Maggie isn’t worried.”
A sharp pang hits my chest and I rub at the ache as tears gather in my eyes. I thought me and my parents sorted everything. The past few days, I’ve felt seen and heard, and I believed we were moving past all the bullshit.
Sophie laughs. “That’s true. Plus, can you really see a guy like that wanting more from someone like Freya? He can do so much better. Danny made the right choice in choosing Esther. Freya’s a bitch to everyone and so embarrassing.”
The door opens again, and I wait for their voices to drift away before wiping myself. I make quick work of washing my hands. My breath hitches when I glance in the mirror, seeing my makeup smudge from my tears.
There is no way I can go back out there and face everyone. The logical part of me knows they all don’t think that way about me, but the embarrassment of the words Sophie and Diana spoke, still stings.
I have to get away. I need to be alone. To clean up. To escape their watchful gazes.
Walking out with the intent of going back to my room, I’m not watching where I’m going and end up knocking into someone.