Page 157 of Mark

Kayla puts her hand up. “We pop in Monday mornings to collect the toys she knits for the kids in foster care.”

When Aiden puts his hand up, Freya yells. “I get it. You all see her.”

“No need to be jealous, sweetie,” Maya promises.

“What did you need to tell me?” Freya asks Summer.

She glances at Maya, then back at Freya. “Can we talk about it at home?” she asks.

“Tell me because I’m thinking the worst.”

Summer sighs. “Okay, but please don’t be upset.”

Freya takes her hand. “You can talk to me.”

“You’ve been spending a lot of time with Mark…” she begins and everyone, including Max guarding the food, stops what they are doing. “Before you think this is me feeling left out, it’s the opposite. I am happy for you. But I think you two should move in together. You practically already do live together.”

“I’m not leaving you,” Freya rushes out.

Summer stiffens even more. “Urm, I’ve been thinking about moving in with my cousins. It makes sense. You two are already living together. I’m just there. You know I’ve only ever wanted happiness for you and you’ve got it. This is the happiest I’ve seen you since that fireman let you turn on the lights in the truck and let you go for a ride in it. With me there, you are constantly worrying about whether I’m left out or not. And honestly, I don’t want to hear my best friend have sex every night.”

“We do that at Mark’s,” Freya whispers.

“You’re both loud,” Summer hesitantly replies, making Freya’s cheeks redden.

“I’m sorry,” Freya grimaces. “But that’s no reason for you to leave. Right, Mark?”

“She’s right. You aren’t in the way, if that’s how we are making you feel,” I answer.

“You aren’t,” she assures us. “My family… they need me. I don’t want to leave you, trust me. I had planned on asking you to move in with them again when you came off the cruise but then everything happened and it didn’t feel right. I knew if I had asked you, you would have said yes out of hurt, but I knew how much he meant to you, so I waited for him to grow a pair and come grovel. It worked, and now my best friend is the happiestI’ve ever seen her. Me leaving won’t change anything. I’ll still be your ride and die and see you all the time. I’ll just be sleeping somewhere else.”

Tears gather in Freya’s eyes. “This is what you want? It’s not because of Mark and I being together?”

“No. It actually makes it easier because I know you’ll be in good hands. Please understand, it’s nothing anyone has done. They’ve been through a lot and I know they’re hiding just how badly they are hurting. I want to be there. I just couldn’t leave you, but I feel like I can do that now.”

“Then I’ll support you. I’ll miss you like mad but I want you to be happy too. And I agree, they need you too.”

“Then why are you crying?” Summer asks, fighting her own tears.

“Because my best friend is moving out and I’m going to miss her.”

Summer places her forehead against Freya’s. “I’m moving out, not dying. I’ll still be your ride or die.”

“And she’s always welcome to come back,” I add.

“I’m still going to miss her,” Freya adds.

“He’s right though. I can always come back or you can always come stay with me.”

“Whose side are you on?” Freya asks when she pulls back.

Summer’s lips twitch as I roll my eyes. “Yours, always yours.”

Which is the same response they always give when someone asks whose side they are on.

“Can we eat now?” Max yells. “Because I’m starving.”

“You ate three pulled pork baps before everyone arrived,” Lake calls out.