“She said she was feeling unwell.”
I laugh again. “She’s not fucking sick. Maybe look deeper.”
“Enough,” Mitch warns.
“No. You need to hear it because maybe then you’ll do something about it. Freya overheard Esther’s friend and their cousin talking about her in the bathroom. She had to listen to them say how she’s using me and that we’ll be over before the cruise docks at its last port.” I glance at her mother. “Freya knows what you said about her not taking anything seriously.”
She places her hand over the pearls hanging from her neck. “I thought she was with you to get a rise out of everyone. I said that before I really took notice of you together,” she whispers.
“She was so hurt by your words, she tossed and turned all night. You have two daughters, Mrs Baker, but you treat one likeshe can do no wrong and treat the other like everything she does—including breathing—is wrong.”
“I know you have a low opinion of me, but I love my daughters both equally,” she starts, but then reaches out to grip her husband’s hand. “I have been on hard on Freya because I want the best for her. I still do.”
“You tore her spirit down. Esther has shredded through what was left, and it’s no surprise she has broken. None of you deserve her.None of you.”
“Come on, darlin’,” Mum soothes.
“I’m not done,” I tell her softly, before turning back to the Bakers. “Did you know Danny was still messaging Freya after they broke up? Even after Esther and he announced they were together? She ignored every single one of his calls and texts. She knew Esther lied about being pregnant, but didn’t call her out on it. She also knew Esther had slept with someone else at the beginning of their relationship. She could have ruined their wedding by announcing those vows were from her poem, but she kept quiet. When they forced her to take those photos, Freya could have looked miserable, but instead she smiled like she was on cloud nine. Freya has done everything she possibly can to make sure everyone is happy and has never opened her mouth once about the things she’s known. She took all of your condescending remarks, and all the backlash from events Esther and Danny had put into motion. The people who were meant to protect her and love her did nothing but hurt her.” I don’t care that her mother is now crying, or that her father is on the verge of tears. They deserve to hear the truth. “I will make it right with your daughter, and when I do, you’d better believe I’ll make sure none of you fucking see her until you make it right. And that’s only if it’s not already too late.”
“You love her,” Mitch whispers.
Hearing someone say it out loud makes me want to laugh, because until now, I thought I knew what love was. I had been wrong. Love… It’s more than just a word. I get that now. I understand why Jaxon would rather stay inside the cabin with Lily. I understand why Aiden doesn’t stop touching Bailey. Or why Hayden constantly tests Clay yet would go to war if anyone else tried. I even understand why Landon is overprotective of Paisley. And why Charlotte will sometimes get misty-eyed when she watches Drew. Love is a whole thing, and the couples are just pieces that make it whole.
Before today, I knew I cared for Freya. She wormed her way under my skin and felt comfortable there. But now… Now I know how I feel. I don’t want to go home without her. I don’t want to wake up in the morning and find her missing from beside me. I can’t picture my life without our little bickering moments. She brought colour into my life, and without her, there will only be grey. I know in my bones what we have is unique and just like the sea; deep and endless. If this isn’t love, I don’t know what is.
I meet her father’s eyes. “How could I not? When she laughs, she laughs with everything inside her. Her family mean everything to her, even if she doesn’t mean much to them. She’s sassy and will speak her mind as long as someone isn’t going to get hurt. She learnt sign language so a friend wouldn’t feel left out. She’s the only girl who has ever gone head to head with me and called me out on my shit. I won’t lie and say I’ve always felt this way because I haven’t. I was attracted to her, yes. But then she got under my skin, and I didn’t realise how much until today, when I became a part of the reason she’s hurting. I will do anything and everything to make sure I am never the reason again, no matter how misguided this time is. And I’ll make damn sure her sister is never the reason too.”
A snort sounds beside me and I slowly turn my head, glaring at the woman who has made everyone’s life hell, without some of them even realising. “Who have I hurt this time?”
“For your own good, I suggest you sit down,” Mitch orders tightly.
Her eyes widen, trying to come across as innocent as tears gather in them. “What is going on?”
My dad places a hand on my arm, silently warning me to calm down. “Do you even have a heart in that shrivelled up, bony body of yours?”
“Did you orchestrate a situation where Freya would believe you two were being intimate?” Maggie demands.
She narrows her gaze on me. “Is that what you’re telling everyone? I was trying to be kind by not telling anyone about you trying it on with me, but you can go to hell if you think I’m going to let you pin the blame on me. I said no, and if you think you can win my sister back by telling lies, you’ve got another thing coming. My sister has been through enough and I’ll tell her the truth myself.”
I open my mouth to reprimand her but her mother gets there first. “Stop! Just stop with your lies.”
Esther places a hand on her chest, a sob catching in her throat. “You can’t honestly tell me you believe him, Mum. He’s lying. And he knew everyone would take his side because of how Danny and I got together.”
Her mother stands up, her chair falling to the floor from the force. She leans over the table, much like I had been moments ago. “If I hadn’t witnessed what I have this past week, I would have stupidly believed you. But you can’t fake his reaction,” she growls, pointing at me. “You just can’t. How did you end up like this, Esther? Was it something we did? Were we too lenient with you?”
Esther’s cheeks redden as she sucks in a breath. “He’s lying. He came on to me and I turned him down,” she spits out. “I can’t believe you’re going to take a stranger’s word over your own daughter’s.”
“Stop lying! Just stop,” Mitch yells. “You’ve caused enough damage. We had your back with Danny, even though both your mother and I told you it wasn’t a good idea and that Freya would be hurt. But we supported you, believing Danny meant that much to you and you to him. But now Mark? What excuse could you possibly have other than you wanted to hurt your sister who has never done anything to you?”
“I swear on my life, I’m telling you the truth,” Esther whispers, her shoulders straightening.
“You wouldn’t know the truth if it hit you in the face,” I spit out. “It ends now. You did all this for nothing. Freya doesn’t want Danny. She doesn’t even want to be friendly with him. I hope to Christ that one day you will look back on what you have done and regret it so much it consumes you. Just like the hurt and pain you caused consumed Freya.” I glance to her parents. “Tell Freya when you see her that I will be in my room for the rest of the night if she is willing to give me a moment to explain. If not, I will wait to speak to her tomorrow morning.”
“We will pass the message on,” Mitch replies.
“You truly believe him?” Esther growls. “Really?”
I leave them to argue, only stopping when I get to the lifts. “Son, come back and eat something.”