Page 103 of Mark

“Why? Because you love each other?” I question snidely. “Forgive me, but those words mean nothing coming from your mouth. You told me you loved me every day.”

“It was never meant to happen the way it did. She was there for me. You were at university, and when you were back, you were always with Summer. We grew close. Maybe if you had paid me a bit of attention, it wouldn’t have happened.”

“Stop,” I breathe out. “Just stop. I’m sick of talking about it. Every time one of you speaks to me, you bring up the past like it’s an excuse. The point is, I have no control over how Esther is feeling. That’s for you two to deal with.”

“She’s trying, Freya.”

“She’s trying to cause arguments and belittle me,” I yell. “There’s a difference.”

“You’re the one being difficult,” he snaps. “Can’t you just put your feelings aside and be nice for once in your fucking life? Can’t you be happy for her? You are my history, but she’s my future, and I’m sick of you bringing us down. This was meant to be a happy time and you’ve ruined it.”

“How? How have I ruined it? Have I told her you were still messaging me weeks after our break up, begging for me back? Have I told her those vows were my poem? Or have I ever told her about the time you called me drunk, and I put the phone down on you? And let’s not forget the bracelet you gave her at your engagement party that was actually my birthday present.” I force out a laugh. “I’ve never even shared the secrets I know about her through any of this. I’ve never used any of what I know against either of you or used it in retaliation for the shit you haveboth pulled. I’ve not ruined anything. If you two have issues, that is your problem, not mine, and I’m sick of you bringing me into it. I’ve never once done anything to hurt either of you. And it’s so unfair that both of you blame me for everything.”

He lowers his head, clutching his hands together. “You’re right.”

“I know.”

He sighs, lifting his head. “I love her, Freya, and I hate that this drift between the two of you is hurting her. And itkills meto see her hurting. I’m worried she will eventually blame me and then leave me.”

I roll my eyes at his dramatics. It’s not that I don’t think she’ll ever leave him. It’s possible. Relationships and marriages aren’t what they used to be. Then there’s the fact he sees nothing wrong with coming to his ex-girlfriend for relationship advice. Because that’s why he’s really here. He wants me to fix it because he doesn’t know how to.

“Again, not my problem,” I remind him. “Now, can you leave?”

“Why? Are you meeting up with that player?”

“Mark isn’t a player,” I growl.

“Trust me, he is. He’ll fuck someone else the minute your back is turned.”

“Well, since I don’t have another sister he can fuck, I think I’ll be okay,” I remark.

He rolls his eyes. “It’s not like it’s serious between you two anyway.”

I tilt my head to the side, watching him closely. “Why is that?”

“Because you’re just using him to try and make me jealous. He’s using you too.”

I throw my head back and laugh. “Jesus Christ.”

“Laugh all you want. You know I’m right.”

I get to my feet and move to the door, holding it open. “Get the fuck out.”

He stands, his eyebrows bunching together. “Look, you don’t need to be embarrassed, but you had to know it wouldn’t work. I only have eyes for Esther. Don’t get me wrong, you will find someone who will treat you well eventually. But you don’t have to use guys like that to get a reaction out of another guy. It could turn bad.”

“The fact you think I would use Mark to get a reaction out ofyouis… well, laughable. The only reaction I’m using him for is an orgasm, and unlike you, he knows how to get one out of a woman. He’s also fun to be around.”

He scoffs. “Never pegged you to be petty.”

“I’m being honest,” I retort sharply. “You should try it.”

“If you want to make a fool out of yourself, go ahead. But don’t come crying to Esther when it ends badly. You’ve burnt that bridge. She needed you this week and you’ve done fuck all to be there for her. I won’t let you use her when you need her.”

“Why are you still talking?” I ask.

“Yes, why are you still talking?” Mark asks, startling me.

His hazel eyes are narrowed on Danny. “Danny was just leaving.”