He nods even though I know he still hassomething to say. “I’ll get the listing drawn up. Don’t go too farbecause once the sale is finalized, you’ll need to sign thepaperwork.”
Pulling my phone from my back pocket, I pullup Lenor’s number and wait for her to answer.
“How are you feeling?” she asks. “Because Idon’t remember being run over by a truck.”
“Fucking great,” I reply with a chuckle.“I’m moving to Boston. Do you want to go with me?”
A beat of silence passes between us beforeshe speaks. “When do you want to leave?”
And that is why she is my bestie, my ride ordie.
Wesley Blake
It’s been eight hours since Karmen walkedout of my life. Eight of the longest goddamned hours of my entirelife. I have sent message after message and even tried to call. Butshe must have blocked my number because I can’t reach her.
I pace the length of my kitchen as I try todecide whether I need to drive to her house or give her some moretime to calm down. I know her well enough to know she is probablypissed off and likely to rip me a new one the moment she sees me.But I also don’t want to let her marinade in the thoughts currentlyrunning through her mind.
Last night, I should have said the wordsI’ve been holding back for far too long. Because my brother isright. I am in love with Karmen Jones and hiding my feelings ishurting us both. Keeping the promise I made to Tommy all thoseyears ago isn’t worth the havoc and pain it’s causing. We’ve arguedand fought before but nothing like this. She told me she loved me,she kissed me, and my dumb ass didn’t do a damn thing.
Someone knocks on the door, and I almost ripit off the damn hinges I open it so quickly. The woman standing onmy threshold is not the one I was hoping for.
She shoves me harshly in the center of mychest. “You fucking idiot!”
Now I understand. She is here as the bestfriend to lay into me for making Karmen cry. I want to explain butI don’t get a chance as she shoves me again.
“Do you know what Karmen just did? What sheis busy doing?”
Fear explodes across my senses, and I grabLenor’s arms to keep her from pushing me again.
“What’s going on? Is Karmen okay?”
“No, you fucking shmuck!” she yells in myface. “She put her damn house up for sale and is packing as wespeak.”
I hear the words but it’s like I forgot howthe English language works. The things she is saying don’t makesense.
“Yes, Wesley. Karmen is moving toBoston.”
It’s like falling through the ice coveringthe lake in the heart of winter. First, the numbness and then theshock followed by intense pain as my entire world is thrown intodisarray.
“You need to do something,” she says.
“I don’t know what you want me to do,” Isay, repeating similar words from last night. “She is a grownwoman, and this is her decision.”
It physically hurts to push the words pastmy lips. Maybe this is a sign that I need to let her go. I’m notthe type of man she needs in her life, and letting her go to Bostonwill give us both a chance to move on from whatever this is.
“You’re really going to let her leave? Inever thought you were a coward, Wesley Blake.”
She doesn’t stick around, slamming the dooras she walks out. Falling onto the couch I hold my head in myhands. Am I being a coward? Am I allowing her to walk away so Idon’t have to put my heart on the line? Or am I doing the rightthing by letting her go?
Tommy wanted the best for his sister. Healways said no one was good enough and that includes me. I may notbe good enough for her, but I can stop her from making snapdecisions that will haunt her later. Grabbing my phone, I call mybrother.