Page 24 of Broken Promise

Now, we watch as they pour the dirt onto hercoffin before turning and heading back to her house. I want to saysomething but I’m not sure what. Each of the men in the limousinewith me is silent, pondering their new reality, and I don’t want tointerrupt. These past days have been an insane whirlwind, and ithas taken its toll on all of us, especially Shane. I know he has alot weighing on his shoulders right now but today isn’t the day forthat.

When we reach the house, Lenor greets us onthe steps before leading us inside. By the door is a giant blown-upphotograph of Mrs. Blake. It’s from last year’s fair and she isstanding with all three of her boys, smiling. They had just comeoff the roller coaster and their hair is messed up and their cheekswere red. I remember the moment clearly because I was there, I tookthe photograph.

“I hope it’s okay that I used this one. Shelooked so happy,” Lenor says. She has been helping plan everythingand simply being supportive whenever and wherever needed.

Adam hugs her tightly before kissing herforehead. “It’s perfect.” His smile is genuine, even though I cansee he is already tearing up.

“I remember how angry she was when you threwup in the car,” I say looking at Shane. “It wasn’t the same fair,though. I think I was around ten. Tommy was with us, and you atetoo much funnel cake.”

The tips of Shane’s ears turn red before hebursts out laughing. It’s the first time since Charlotte droppedthe baby bomb that I’ve seen any kind of emotion from him, and Irelax a little.

“I remember you getting in trouble a yearlater from doing the same thing.”

And just like that, the cloud that hasfallen over us lifts and the atmosphere changes. People walk intothe house to us talking and laughing and quickly realize what ishappening. Instead of mourning the life she missed out on living,we are celebrating the life she lived.

Yes, she was taken too soon but she lived afull life, and we are going to remind ourselves of that, share ourfondest memories, and remember her the way she used to be.

Wesley Blake

The funeral was beautiful but the thing thatmade it perfect was listening to everyone sharing their favoritememories of Mom. Having Karmen by my side through all of this hasmade it somehow easier to bear and I am more grateful than wordscan ever explain.

Once everyone has left, Adam disappearsupstairs to his room and Lenor goes home. Shane receives a phonecall which he takes outside, and he never returns. Karmen and Iclean the dishes in silence before letting ourselves out andwalking the two blocks to her house. Somewhere along the way, sheremoves her black heels and I carry them for her like this is aneveryday thing for us.

“Do you mind living here?” she asks me.

“It’s my house!” I say with mock outrage,and she laughs. Pulling her against my chest on the porch I kissher deeply before moving away. “We can live wherever you want,babe. As long as I’m with you, I’ll be happy.”

“You know you’re being corny, right?” sheasks with a laugh.

“Only for you,” I say pushing the door openand letting us into the house.

I freeze once I cross the threshold. Infront of me stands Charlotte and Shane. She has a gun pressed to mybrother’s temple and I want to roar in outrage. I keep Karmenbehind me, not wanting to give Charlotte an extra target.

“Charlotte, what is going on?” I askcalmly.

“I want my life back. The life I deserve,”she mumbles. “I want the life I deserve,” she repeats.

“This is your life,” Shane says. “You haveto live with the consequences of your decisions.”

Charlotte hits him in the temple with thebutt of her gun and I watch his body fall to the floor. What thefuck am I supposed to do in this situation? I can’t protecteveryone, and she is clearly insane.

“Charlotte,” Karmen says from behind me.“Why don’t we talk about this?”

“Shut up! I don’t want to hear a damn wordfrom you!”

She is waving the gun around and I want toyell at her, but I need her to calm the fuck down before she doessomething that can’t be taken back.

“Why don’t you tell me what it is you wantexactly? Maybe I can do something.”

“There’s nothing anyone can do, everythingis already ruined,” she says softly. “I just wanted to make sureyou all get to see what she did, how she ruined my life.”

I watch her lift the gun to her temple and Ireact before I can think it through. I charge at her and tackle herto the ground. A shot goes off. It’s thunderous and leaves my earsringing but I don’t feel any pain.

Sliding the gun across the polished woodenfloorboards, I do a quick mental check to make sure I’m not hurtbefore looking down to check on Charlotte. Her body wracks withsobs but I can’t find any injuries.

“Get your ass to my house!” Karmen yellsinto her phone from her position beside Shane. “And bring yourdad.”

“Are you okay?” I ask once she hangs up.