Page 4 of Broken Promise

I spear him with a glare that makes himchuckle once more as he walks away. Moments later he joins Karmenand her friends at the bar before smirking in my direction.

Charlotte slides into the booth beside meonce more and I want to push her out. I can’t stand the idea thatKarmen thinks I’m on a date with this girl.

“I know you were friends with Tommy,” shesays, staring at her manicured fingernails. “But you’re notresponsible for his bratty little sister. You’re a man and you needa woman in your life, not some tagalong.”

“Charlotte.” I wait until her focus is onme. “I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. I am notinterested in you.” I enunciate each word hoping to drive them intoher thick skull. “And you can believe any man would be lucky tohave Karmen in their life.”

She glares at me, her eyes narrowed toslits, before she huffs out of the booth and disappears into theweekend crowd. My gaze immediately seeks Karmen out at the barwhere she has her head thrown back in laughter at something Adamsaid. I rub at the center of my chest, hoping to alleviate some ofthe pressure that has settled there.

Chapter Two

Karmen Jones

At some point the booze hits me. Hard enoughthat I signal the bartender for a glass of water. Usually, I’m nota sloppy drunk but after hearing what Wesley said, I really don’tgive a shit anymore. We are drinking, dancing, and laughing and I’mhappy. I am living my best life right now even if I know I am doingit in the wrong way.

Tommy would probably kick my ass if he couldsee me now, but I don’t care about that either.

Lenor is on the dance floor with Adam,smiling as he swings her before dipping her low. Jacob watches themconstantly with a look of longing on his face, but I don’t sayanything. He fucked up and he needs to man up and make amends.

The music is pumping and the people aroundus seem to be enjoying their evening as well. I choose to focus onthe good and push everything else to the back burner.

Jacob leans into my personal space, his handresting on my hip. Usually, I wouldn’t allow something like this,but the booze has me functioning a little slower at the moment.

“He’s glaring again,” he whispers in my earwith a chuckle.

That’s the thing with Jacob. For all hisfaults he is still my friend. Yes, he hurt Lenor but that isbetween the two of them, not us. He knows me just as well as shedoes, all my secrets and the things I wish I could hide. Hell, hecarried me for three blocks when we were nine years old and I brokemy arm. He’s always been part of my life and I love him like abrother. Turning my head, I smile. He is standing so close we arebasically nose to nose now.


“Yeah,” he says before licking his lips. “Hedoes not like when I touch you and his head looks like the topmight pop right the fuck off.”

“He called me disgusting,” I say softly. Myvoice is barely a whisper, and I don’t even think he heard me.

It’s not something I want to discuss but thewords have been on repeat in my mind since he said them. I can’tput into words just how much hearing him say that hurt.

Jacob’s lips touch mine in a gentle kissthat catches me off guard. I don’t have time to make the decisionto push him away or kiss him back before he is gone. It takes amoment for my drunken brain to process that he isn’t kissing meanymore and for me to open my eyes. Looking around, I see Jacob onthe floor, his hand covering his nose that is bleedingprofusely.

Behind me, I hear a scuffle and turn to seewhat is happening. Adam has Wesley in his grasp, his arms pulledbehind his back as he tries to get at Jacob once more.

“Get the fuck out of my bar!” he roars.

I know the crazed look in his eyes. Histemper has always been short and now he has lost it. I’m not surewhat pushed him over the edge, but it has my own anger flaring.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I yell.“You’re batting two for two in the asshole awards tonight.”

Bending down, I help Jacob up before leadinghim around the bar and out the front door. I hear yelling inside,but I ignore whatever is happening to stare at my crazy friend.

“Why are you laughing?” I ask, shoving hisshoulder.

“I’m sorry,” he says through his laughter.“But that shit is funny as fuck.”

“I must be drunker than I thought becauseyou aren’t making a lick of sense.”

“You said he called you disgusting but themoment I kissed you he exploded.”

“You kissed me to see what he would do?” Iask, feeling confused and a little pissed off.

I’ve never been attracted to Jacob eventhough he is a good-looking man and we’ve never been more thanfriends, but I had just assumed it was the alcohol and the moment.That makes twice I have been rejected by a man tonight.