Page 2 of Broken Promise

It started out as an infatuation before Ieven knew what that was, but with time it has warped into a full-onobsession. I can honestly say I am unequivocally in love with him.I don’t even see any other men. The problem is, he still treats melike the little girl that followed them around town. He doesn’t seeme as a woman, and it is driving me nuts.

Laughter draws my gaze back to the boothwhere Wesley is seated with his brother Adam. The bane of myexistence, Charlotte Wilson, is standing beside him, her hand onhis shoulder while she laughs. I want to launch myself from thebarstool I am sitting on, but Lenor places her hand on my thigh,holding me back.


“I’m sitting,” I grit out through clenchedteeth.

“You can’t say or do a damn thing about ituntil you pull up your big-girl panties and tell him how you feel,”she says. “Until then, he is fair game.”

I hate the words that fall from her lips,but I know they are true. It doesn’t make it any easier to hear,though. Maybe it would be easier to see him with someone else,anyone else, just not Charlotte the harlot.

Since we were in kindergarten that girl haspushed my buttons, taking what isn’t hers and looking down onpeople around her. Just because her daddy is the richest man in thecounty doesn’t mean she is better than the rest of us. It justmeans her clothes are better.

She is vapid and vain and a total bitch. Andone of these days I am going to lay hands on her, and no amount ofmoney will stop me.

“He’ll never feel the same way I do,” Imurmur, flagging down the bartender instead.

“Tequila,” Lenor says once he reachesus.

She knows me well enough to know why Icalled him.

“Can we please just enjoy the night?” sheasks after we both shoot our shots and finish with salt and lemonslices. “I know you don’t want to go anywhere else, but I won’t letthis crush ruin our night.”

“I’m sorry,” I say softly.

“I love you, girl, but this crush is takingover your life. It’s your birthday, for heaven’s sake. Let’s danceand get drunk. The same problems you have today will still be theretomorrow.”

I stare at her as she implores me with hergaze. “You’re right. Let’s have some fun.”

Lenor makes a loud whooping noise beforeordering another round of shots. The bar is filling up with peopleready to end the week on a high note with a couple of beers andsome friends.

The local band starts setting up for theirregular Friday night gig and soon the loud music flows over us, thelead singer’s voice the perfect blend of twang and smoke. Already,I can’t help but shimmy in my seat, enjoying the song. The alcoholis flowing through my veins and soon I don’t care about the peoplearound me or even where Wesley is or who he is talking to.

“Hello, sexy ladies,” Jacob Wilson says ashe finds a spot beside me at the bar. “Why are you looking so finetonight?”

“Not for you,” Lenor says with a glare.“Move along.”

“You wound me,” he says placing his hand onhis chest. I can’t help but smile at his theatrics. “You know I’m alover and not a fighter.”

“We are well aware that you love every womanthat gives you the opportunity,” she snaps.

“Okay, that’s enough,” I cut in.

I know they are going to start fighting inthe next five minutes and then our night will be shot to hell.Lenor and Jacob used to date until he cheated, and now she can’t benear him without flaying strips from his skin with her sharptongue.

“For tonight, for me, can we all please getalong?” I ask, batting my eyelashes at first one then theother.

Lenor sighs before her tense shouldersrelax. “Only because I love you.”

Jacob smiles with his hands held in theair.

It sucks that they are at odds. I miss thedays when the three of us used to ride our bikes together and lifewas simple. But kids grow up and things get complicated. Now, I tryto keep them as far away from each other as possible except forspecial occasions.

“Let’s celebrate your birthday,” he sayswith a smile.


Wesley Blake