Roman, who had always self-medicated, distracted himself with booze and women, seemed to understand me best just now. So it was with gentle, loving care that he kissed me, and got the others to help take off my clothes.
All of the thoughts left my head when these men touched me. All I felt was calm, peace, and the warmth of pleasure seeping into each of my limbs. On either side of me, Wes and Sawyer took up the task of worshiping my lips, my neck, my breasts. Sawyer whispered sweet things in my ear as Wes sucked at my nipple, stoking the flames of my desire. Roman, meanwhile, kissed down my stomach. My heart fluttered, thinking of the baby, the fact that he didn’t know.
When he reached my pussy, Roman took a deep breath, inhaling the heady scent of my need. He kissed each of my thighs, told me I was beautiful, and then started to lick me.
It was so much sweeter than the first time, that day after the photoshoot. God, that felt so long ago now. He teased my clit and lapped up the wetness of my folds with nothing but my pleasure, my overall well-being, on his mind. But instead of devouring, making it his personal mission to make me come hard against his face, Roman was comforting me with this intimate kiss. That didn’t make it less erotic, though. I was panting soon, undulating my hips against his face while Sawyer pinched my nipple and Wes moved to lightly nip at my neck with his teeth. With Roman’s head between my legs and my other two guys showering me in attention, in love…it was a wonder I held off coming as long as I did.
When my climax rolled over me, it was gentle, deeply satisfying in its slow, delicious sweep through my muscles. Itsurprised me, and I let out a soft cry, which Sawyer and Wes met with their own satisfied groans. Of course, Roman didn’t stop licking me until I came down completely, and then he moved up to kiss my lips, my own taste in his mouth making me want more.
My guys moved into a new position then, seamlessly shifting me onto my side. It was like they’d planned ahead of time exactly how best to share me, take care of me. I was facing Roman, whose hard, bare cock was nudging at the apex of my thighs.
“Do you want this, baby?” he asked me at a whisper, stroking his cock against me, through the wetness he’d just caused. I nuzzled against his chest, breathing in his scent as I nodded.
“More than anything,” I said. “Please, Roman. Make love to me.”
He lovingly gripped my thigh, spreading my legs apart. Before he entered me, he looked over my shoulder, talking to one of the other guys.
“Lube, Wes. She needs to be completely full right now.”
That was exactly what I needed, and I felt so cherished, so understood as Wes took up his position at my back.
It was different from the time with Sawyer. Wes was less hesitant to take my ass now that we’d done this before, and he massaged my hole with lube-slicked fingers in a slow, teasing way as Roman slowly, slowly pushed inside my pussy. I found myself twisting, writhing into the contact on both sides of me, and then Wes had his cock in my ass, and both men were fucking me into pure sensual oblivion.
From his spot behind Roman, Sawyer reached over to kiss my mouth, swallowing down the moans as the other two filled me up.
“You’re doing so good, sweetheart,” Sawyer told me softly, stroking my hair. “Let them give you everything. All the pleasure you deserve.”
“I want you too,” I told him shakily. Roman was fucking me harder now, working his hips against mine in more of a frenzy, and Wes started to follow suit. I was panting. “I want all of you.”
“You have us,” Sawyer reassured me. “You’ll have my cock after you come again. Think you can do that for us, gorgeous?”
The motivation of getting to feel my pussy stretched full on Sawyer’s girth had me halfway there. I nodded, biting down on Roman’s shoulder as he hit my G-spot again and again.
Soon, Wes finished inside my ass, and then Roman and I came together, leaving me a pile of messy, limp muscles and pure, almost overtired bliss. As Roman and Wes moved to either side of me, Wes kissing me hard on the mouth, Sawyer slid into place on top of me, plunging himself inside my sheath with a long, slow thrust.
It was so good, being stretched so far by the biggest cock I’d ever had, my body plenty ready for it after everything Roman and Wes had done to warm me up first. Sawyer sighed as he started to move inside me, the relief of finally getting his turn apparent. He had such patience, this man. All of them were so patient with me. And there was no greater feeling than being filled with all of their cum. The knowledge that Sawyer was fucking Roman’s cum further into me was so deliciously raunchy that I almost wanted to blush.
I should have been done coming. It shouldn’t have been possible for Sawyer’s thrusts, no matter how wonderfully filling and erotic they were, to stoke my inner flames back to life so fast. But with Wes taking my mouth in a passionate kiss, Roman caressing every other inch of my skin, and Sawyer making love to me, all at once, I swear it was only four or five more thrusts until I was arching off the bed in yet another orgasm. This time, I cried out in pleasure and in gratitude for the perfect distraction, the immeasurable comfort they’d given me. Sawyer groaned as he found his own release, and then I was perfectly claimed,dripping with the evidence of the three men I’d grown to rely upon for so much, a physical reminder of their care for me.
After, when they’d cleaned me up and kissed me better and cuddled me until my tears were nowhere to be found, the four of us fell asleep in Roman’s bed.
Well, the four of us, and the secret fifth who only I knew about. I should tell them about the baby,theirbaby, and every second that I didn’t was another nail in the coffin of our relationship. But I was afraid, even as I fell asleep in their arms, that if they knew I was pregnant, I’d lose them. I was terrified that none of them were ready for this.
But maybe I was doomed to lose them either way.
The Christmas charity gala was here at last, and it was everything my mother had envisioned. More, even. The grand ballroom sparkled with twinkling lights, elegant garlands draped across every archway, and Christmas music hummed softly through the throngs of guests. Rich benefactors in luxurious gowns and tailored suits clinked champagne glasses and chatted animatedly beneath the glittering chandeliers. It was the pinnacle of Paula Henning’s year-long efforts, and even my cynical ass wasn’t immune to the sense of wonder she’d crafted so skillfully.
My fingers traced the lace detail of my gown—a deep emerald green that shimmered as I moved. It was a miracle that it still fit despite my now slightly rounded belly, but luckily the satiny material underneath had a little bit of give. It wasn’t obvious that I was showing yet—not to most people—but I knew. And Bria knew too. I could feel her eyes on me from across the room, struggling to keep this secret with me.
She was probably waiting for me to come clean. She’d been patient these last few weeks, dropping hints that I needed to tell the guys, tell my family, sooner rather than later. I knew Ineeded to, of course. I couldn’t keep it a secret forever. Still, my stomach clenched at the thought of sharing this with anyone, having to witness the reactions of everyone I cared about, having to explain to them that I was keeping this baby despite all the reasons I had not to. Besides, I had to tell them—buthow? I couldn’t exactly reveal it with a cute Instagram-worthy announcement, and other than with sex, the guys and I hadn’t done a lot of practicing when it came to having frank, difficult conversations. The weight of the secret was growing every minute, just like the baby inside me, and now, standing here, it felt heavier than ever.
I glanced around the room, trying to distract myself. The children’s area was set up in the far corner, where a group of excited kids waited in line to meet Santa. This one, mercifully, seemed sober and jolly as Saint Nick should be. Their giggles and squeals echoed through the ballroom, and I felt another wave of emotion hit me. Soon, I’d have my own child. I could picture myself standing in line, holding a little girl’s hand, comforting her as she worried about meeting Santa. The thought was terrifying, but tender. A mess of contradictions, just like a child would be.
“How are you holding up, sweetie?” Bria’s voice cut through my thoughts as she appeared beside me. “Feeling okay?”