“And Roman,” I corrected her. She winced again, nodding. Sawyer let out a laugh that sounded almost genuine, though this news seemed to be a surprise to him—he hadn’t known about her hookup with Roman, then. Rachel let out a puff of breath and told me, “Thanks for the flowers.”

“Christ, Rach. I came over here because I…I like you. In a real way. I want to date you, not just fuck around. Do you think either of my friends are gonna offer you that?”

She blinked at me, those storm surge eyes so beautiful even when they were full of guilt and confusion. “You…you want todateme.”

“I do,” I confirmed.

“After I slept with both of your best friends and you in like…not a lot of time.”

“Yeah,” I repeated gruffly. “I’m not really a hookup guy. And I’ve liked you since we were kids. You know that.”

“What do you mean, I can’t offer her that?” Sawyer spoke up. I’d been too distracted to notice he’d gotten out of the bed and thrown on some pants at least, though his buff, manlier physique was still on display without a shirt and that made me feel a little scrawny by comparison.

“You don’t date,” I reminded my friend. “Not since Alicia.”

“I’m still a relationship guy,” Sawyer asserted. “I was married, for fuck’s sake. You think that means I can’t handle a commitment?”

“I thought you didn’t want that,” Rachel squeaked, but somehow this had turned into a pissing contest between just us hockey guys. We were nearly chest to chest, and I almost wondered if we were going to fight, but then her small hands came up to each of our hearts, gently urging us away from one another. She looked at Sawyer, leaving me staring at her tangled mass of dark hair. “Do you want more too? Was the no-strings thing an act?”

Sawyer’s jaw clenched. “It wasn’t an act. But if Wes is man enough to admit it, then hell yeah, I’d like more with you too.”

“Fuck,” she let out, laughing as she looked between the two of us. She threw up her hands, letting her robe fall open just enough that I could see the shadow of skin between her breasts. “I mean, I like both of you too much for just sex too. There’s no denying the connection I feel with each of you. But I’m not really looking to be tied down, especially in Mistletoe. And…well, we kind of all work together? For the team? It seems…messy. Unprofessional.”

“Pretty sure the professionalism thing already died when you sucked my dick,” I told Rachel, my face reddening as I said it, and after a split second of wide-eyed shock, she was laughing.

Then Sawyer was laughing too. A booming, low sound he didn’t let out too often these days. And I felt my own laughter bubble up, surprising me until we were all in near hysterics, falling over each other as the ridiculousness of the situation sank in.

“I guess,” Rachel finally started to say as she caught her breath, “it’s pretty unprofessional to sleep with three of the players on the hockey team you work for.”

“No wonder Roman was such a mess during our first game,” Sawyer thought out loud. “You fucked the talent right out of him, Rach.”

“I did not!” Rachel asserted, laughing again through her indignation.

“She’s got a magic pussy or something,” I mused. “How else would I have played so well? And she’s got us all screwed up after just the one time each.”

“Must be magic to get Roman’s head out of the game. Lord knows he’s had way more pussy than the rest of us,” Sawyer agreed.

“I’m not sure it’s ever been referred to as magic before,” Rachel chuckled, “but I’ve never had any complaints.”

“I certainly had none,” Sawyer purred into her ear, and suddenly the vibe shift in the room was tangible, filling all three of our heads with dirty thoughts. Rachel more than either of the two of us, apparently, because her eyes were heavy-lidded as she looked from Sawyer to me.

“You, Wes? Anything to say about my so-called magic pussy?”

Fuck. Hearing the lusty, low tone of her voice, seeing her flirt with me so blatantly while Sawyer watched, while she was touching us both, had me instantly getting hot. I swallowed hard and told her, “Just that it’s perfect, and I’d love to be inside it again. To taste it, finally.”

“It’s fucking heaven,” Sawyer told me, not looking away from Rachel. “Sweet as honey, and the little sounds she makes as she comes…”

“Too good to be true,” I agreed with him. Somehow, we’d all closed in on one another during this exchange, so now Rachel was touching each of us, looking up at me while her ass seemed to press against Sawyer at her back. She let out a little breathy sound.

“I’d come even harder if both of you fucked me at once,” Rachel purred. “All three of you at once? I’d black out from pleasure.”

Shit. My heart was racing fast enough for me to fear cardiac distress, and Sawyer and I made eye contact suddenly, both clearly considering it. Was Rachel serious? Was I reading the room correctly in thinking she was asking us both to fuck her right now?

It was insane. Both because it didn’t feel weird to consider sleeping with this woman alongside one of my best friends, and because I’d never considered myself worthy of this level of desire. Sharon and I had kept up a moderately satisfying sex life, but she wasn’t nearly as responsive to me as Rachel already had been. She also wasn’t into anything remotely freaky, anything spicier than pure vanilla. Honestly, a desire for more passion in the bedroom had been a small factor in my decision to break things off with her. I never felt confident, never feltsexy,until Rachel had given me that power.

Her and her fucking magic pussy.

“What do you think, Wes?” Sawyer asked me, eyes blazing with his own need for Rachel, his own determination to give her everything she wanted. “Think we can tag team things for her sake? Give Rachel the best orgasms of her life?”