Zora felt tears prick in her eyes. “I couldn’t have done it without your guidance, Mother.”

As they pulled apart, Meline wiped a tear from Zora’s cheek. “We’ll stay connected. The new communication devices Mila’s been working on will make it feel like we’re just a room away.”

Zora nodded, managing a smile. “I’d like that. And I want to hear all about the rebuilding efforts. Maybe I can arrange some joint projects between Tharvis and Xuevis...”

Meline laughed softly. “Always thinking ahead. You truly have embraced your role.”

They spent a few more minutes talking, making plans for regular communications and discussing ideas for the future. As they prepared to rejoin the celebrations, Meline paused, looking at Zora with a mixture of pride and nostalgia.

“You know,” she said, “watching you up there today, speaking with such passion and wisdom... I saw not just my daughter, but a true leader. Someone who can bridge worlds and inspire hope. I couldn’t be more proud.”

Zora felt a warmth spread through her chest at her mother’s words. “Thank you,” she said softly. “For everything.”

As they walked back to the main square, Zora’s mind was already racing with ideas and possibilities. The conversation with her mother had reinforced her sense of purpose and responsibility. She was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


As the final day of their stay on Xuevis dawned, Zora felt a bittersweet mix of emotions. The past week had been transformative, filled with moments of triumph, connection, and hope for the future. But now, as she prepared to return to Tharvis with Dravek and her sisters, she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sadness at leaving this world that had become so dear to her.

She stood in her quarters, packing the last of her belongings. Her fingers brushed over a delicate crystal flower, a gift from one of the Xuevisian artisans she had met during the celebrations. Its petals seemed to glow with an inner light, changing colors subtly as she turned it in her hand.

A soft chime at the door interrupted her reverie. “Come in,” she called, carefully wrapping the flower and tucking it into her bag.

The door slid open to reveal Raelee, her eldest sister. “All packed?” Raelee asked, leaning against the doorframe with a casual grace that belied her status as a cultural ambassador.

Zora nodded, zipping up her bag. “Just about. Though I feel like I’m leaving with far more than I arrived with.”

Raelee’s lips quirked into a knowing smile. “I’m not just talking about material possessions, am I?”

Zora laughed softly. “No, I suppose not.” She paused, looking around the room that had been her home for the past week. “It’s strange. I’ve only known about our Xuevisian heritage for such a short time, but being here... it feels like I’ve discovered a piece of myself I never knew was missing.”

Raelee crossed the room, placing a comforting hand on Zora’s shoulder. “That’s because you have, little sister. You’ve not just discovered our heritage, you’ve embraced it and used it to bring people together. I’ve never been more proud of you.”

A lump formed in her throat at her sister’s words. “Thank you,” she managed, blinking back tears. “That means more than you know.”

Raelee pulled her into a tight hug. “Just remember, no matter where you go or what title you hold, you’ll always be my little sister who used to sneak into my room to borrow my clothes.”

Zora laughed against Raelee’s shoulder. “I thought you’d forgotten about that!”

“Never,” Raelee grinned as they pulled apart. “Now come on, the others are waiting. We’ve got one last gathering before we all head back to Tharvis.”

Intrigued, Zora followed Raelee through the winding corridors of the palace. They emerged onto a large terrace where Mila, Venus, their husbands, Dravek, and their parents were waiting, along with several of their new Xuevisian friends. To Zora’s surprise, Ylara Windrider was also present, her silvery hair catching the light as she conversed with Meline.

“What’s all this?” Zora asked, looking around at the gathering.

Mila stepped forward. “Well, we couldn’t let you leave without a proper send-off, could we? And it’s not just for you, it’s for all of us.”

Jack Arison cleared his throat, drawing everyone’s attention. “Zora, Dravek, Raelee, Mila, Venus,” he began, his voice carrying the gravitas of the President of Earth, but his eyes shined with fatherly pride. “What you’ve achieved here goes beyond politics or diplomacy. You’ve shown us all what’s possible when we come together, when we look past our differences to find common ground.”

Meline nodded in agreement, her eyes misting with emotion. “As you return to Tharvis, know that you carry not just our hopes, but the hopes of three worlds with you. Your father and I... we’ve made the decision to stay here on Xuevis for a while, to help with the rebuilding efforts.”

A hush fell over the gathering at this announcement. Zora felt a pang in her heart, even though she had known this was coming. “Mother, Father... are you sure?”

Jack stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on Zora’s shoulder. “We are. There’s so much work to be done here, and we feel we can do the most good by staying and helping to guide the transition. But don’t worry, we’ll be visiting Tharvis soon. This isn’t good-bye, it’s just... see you later.”

Ylara, who had been quietly observing, now stepped into the center of the group. Her presence commanded attention, her silvery eyes reflecting the determination that had led the Xuevisian rebels to victory.

“Zora, Dravek, and to all of you,” she began, her melodious voice carrying across the terrace. “On behalf of Xuevis, I want to express our deepest gratitude for everything you’ve done. You’ve not only helped liberate our world but have given us hope for a brighter future.”