Dravek’s hand came up to stroke her hair gently, the tender gesture making Zora’s heart swell. “You won’t,” he said with quiet conviction. “You’re the strongest person I know, Zora. Your compassion, your brilliance, your determination—they inspire everyone around you. Including me.”

Zora pulled back slightly, looking up into his eyes. The depth of emotion she saw there took her breath away. “How can you be so sure?”

A soft, bright played on Dravek’s lips. “Because I’ve seen what you’re capable of. You’ve already changed so much—brought hope where there was none and united people who were once enemies. Whatever challenges we face, we’ll face them together.”

His words filled with unwavering faith in her brought tears to Zora’s eyes. “What did I do to deserve you?” she whispered.

Instead of answering, Dravek leaned down and captured her lips in a tender kiss. It was different from their previous passionate encounters—this was a declaration of support and love that needed no words. Zora melted into the kiss, pouring all her unspoken feelings into it, hoping Dravek could feel the depth of her emotion.

When they finally parted, both slightly breathless, Dravek rested his forehead against hers. “We should get some rest,” he murmured. “Tomorrow will be another long day of preparations.”

Zora nodded but made no move to leave the circle of his arms. “Stay with me tonight?” she asked softly allowing her vulnerability to show. “I... I sleep better when you’re near.”

Dravek’s eyes softened with affection. “Always,” he promised, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.

Hand in hand, they made their way to Zora’s quarters. As they settled into bed, Zora curled into Dravek’s side, her head resting on his chest. The steady beat of his heart and the warmth of his embrace soothed her worried mind.

Just before sleep claimed her, Zora had a moment of perfect clarity. Whatever challenges lay ahead, whatever battles they would face, she knew that this—the love and trust she shared with Dravek—was worth fighting for. It was a reminder of the better world they were striving to create, a world where barriers between planets and people could be overcome.


Dravek stood before the ornate mirror, barely recognizing the figure staring back at him. The flowing robes of vibrant purples and blues, adorned with intricate silver patterns that seemed to dance in the light, were a far cry from his usual military attire. The elaborate headdress, a delicate construction of shimmering crystals and gossamer threads, felt foreign and precarious atop his head.

“I look ridiculous,” he muttered, adjusting the uncomfortable garments for the hundredth time. The weight of their mission pressed heavily on his mind, making the extravagant outfit seem even more out of place.

A soft laugh from behind him drew his attention. Zora stepped into view, resplendent in her own Xuevisian gown. The sheer fabric shimmered with every movement, reminiscent of the auroras that painted the sky outside. Dravek’s breath caught in his throat at the sight of her.

“You look perfect,” Zora said, her eyes twinkling. She moved closer, reaching up to adjust his headdress. “The very picture of a Xuevisian noble.”

Her proximity sent a jolt through Dravek’s body. Her scent, a mix of exotic Xuevisian flowers and something uniquely Zora,threatened to overwhelm his senses. He fought to maintain his composure as her fingers brushed against his skin while she fussed with his attire.

“I feel like a child playing dress-up,” Dravek admitted, his voice low and tinged with vulnerability. It wasn’t just the outfit that made him uncomfortable—it was the entire situation. Subterfuge and espionage were far removed from his usual direct approach to conflict.

Zora’s hands stilled, and she met his gaze in the mirror. The understanding in her eyes made his heart constrict. “You’re doing this for all the right reasons, Dravek. For peace, for justice...” She paused, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. “For us.”

The unspoken depth of feeling in that last word hung between them. Dravek turned to face her, taking her hands in his. “For us,” he repeated softly, marveling at how natural it felt to include himself in her world.

Their moment was interrupted by a cheerful beep as Sprig zoomed into the room. “Outfit coordination complete!” the little robot announced proudly. “Probability of blending in successfully: 72.3%.”

Dravek raised an eyebrow at Zora. “Only 72.3%?”

She laughed, the sound lightening the tension in the room. “That’s actually quite high for Sprig’s calculations. Remember when he gave us a 12% chance of surviving the Labyrinth of Leaves?”

The memory brought a rare smile to Dravek’s face. “Fair point. Though I’m not sure how reassuring that is.”

Sprig projected a holographic image of their outfits, adding increasingly outlandish accessories with each pass.

“Perhaps a glowing mustache for the prince?” Sprig suggested, superimposing a ridiculous neon green mustache onto Dravek’s image.

Despite the gravity of their situation, Dravek found himself chuckling. “I think not, Sprig. Though I appreciate your... creativity.”

As the laughter died down, the reality of their mission settled back over them like a heavy cloak. Dravek’s expression grew serious as he turned to Zora. “Are you ready for this?” he asked, searching her face for any sign of doubt.

Zora’s smile faded, replaced by a look of determination that Dravek had come to admire deeply. “As ready as I’ll ever be. We’ve come too far to turn back now.”

Dravek nodded, squeezing her hands gently. “Whatever happens out there, we face it together. I won’t let any harm come to you, Zora. I swear it.”

The intensity in his voice surprised even him. Zora’s eyes widened slightly, and for a moment, Dravek feared he’d said too much. But then she stepped closer, her hand coming up to rest on his cheek.