“But I’m not married to a Tharvisian prince,” Zora pointed out.
A small smile played on Ylara’s lips. “Not yet, perhaps. But your presence here, alongside Prince Dravek, suggests that the final piece of the alliance may soon fall into place.” Her gaze flickered between Zora and Dravek, a knowing look in her eyes. “It’s obviously only a matter of time.”
Zora felt a blush creep up her cheeks, pointedly avoiding Dravek’s gaze. She cleared her throat, focusing on the bigger picture. “So what happens now? What am I – what are we – supposed to do?”
Ylara’s expression turned serious once more. “Now, we battle.”
Zora nearly choked. “Battle?” she squeaked. She wasn’t a warrior princess by any means. The closest she’d ever gotten to battle was reading Homer’sIliad. But Dravek was a different story.
“Malgor knows of the potential alliance,” Ylara continued. “He’s been working tirelessly to prevent it by sending fighters to Tharvis to influence and increase discord. He’s also promised power and wealth to certain Tharvisian figures and kin to the royal family for their loyalty to him.” She paused, her voice lowering. “I’m not sure Xuevis can survive unless all four of you are married. The power of the alliance... it’s more than just political.”
“What do you mean?” Dravek asked, his tactical mind engaged.
Ylara’s eyes gleamed with a mix of hope and anticipation. “The union of Xuevis and Tharvis through these marriages isn’t just about saving our world. Once all four unions are complete, Tharvis will reign supreme. The combined power of our worlds will be unmatched in the galaxy.”
The weight of this revelation settled over them. Zora’s mind reeled with the implications. Her marriage to Dravek wouldn’tjust be a personal choice or even a simple political alliance – it could be the key to saving Xuevis and elevating Tharvis to unprecedented power.
She glanced at Dravek, seeing the same mix of awe and responsibility reflected in his eyes. The connection between them, which had been growing steadily throughout their journey, now took on an even greater significance.
Ylara watched them closely, a hint of sympathy in her expression. “I know it’s a lot to take in. The fate of worlds shouldn’t rest on personal relationships, but here we are. Your mother set these events in motion years ago, hoping to secure a better future for both our peoples.”
Zora took a deep breath, centering herself. “All right,” she said, her voice firm with newfound resolve. “Tell me everything I need to know. If there’s a chance to make a difference, to stop Malgor and protect both our worlds... I have to take it. We have to take it,” she added, looking at Dravek.
As the weight of the situation settled on her shoulders, Zora felt a mix of determination and uncertainty. She was a scientist, an explorer, not a political leader or a warrior. And yet, the fate of entire worlds seemed to rest on her and her sisters’ shoulders.
She glanced at Dravek, drawing strength from his steady presence. He gave her a small nod, his eyes conveying a silent message of support. Whatever challenges lay ahead, she wouldn’t face them alone.
Ylara nodded approvingly. “Your courage honors your mother’s legacy, Zora. Come, we have much to discuss and little time. Malgor’s influence grows stronger each day, and we must act swiftly to counter his plans.”
Ylara led Zora and Dravek through a series of winding paths, the ethereal landscape of Xuevis shifting around them like a living dream. After what felt like hours but could have been mereminutes in this twilight world, they arrived at a structure that seemed to grow organically from the crystalline landscape.
“Welcome to the Little Palace,” Ylara announced, a hint of pride in her voice. “One of the Tan’er family’s hidden retreats. You’ll be safe here while we plan our next moves.”
Zora gasped as they entered. The interior was a marvel of alien architecture with sweeping arches that seemed to defy gravity and walls that shimmered with an inner light. Despite its grandeur, there was a warmth to the place, a sense of home that resonated deep within her.
“It’s beautiful,” she breathed, her scientist’s mind already cataloging the unique properties of the materials around them.
Ylara smiled, pleased by Zora’s reaction. “It’s yours by right as much as it is mine. The Tan’er blood runs in your veins too, after all.” She gestured toward a grand staircase. “I’ll have the best rooms prepared for you both. But first, you must be famished after your journey. Come to the kitchens.”
With thoughts of eating, exotic scents reached her nose. She and Dravek continued to follow Ylara through the beautiful maze.
“At this hour, you have the place to yourself,” their hostess said. “Please help yourself to the variety of items.” Ylara gestured toward the counter packed with bowls and containers. “I will return shortly. There are a number of things that must be initiated with your arrival.”
Suddenly, Zora found herself alone with Dravek and Sprig after an overwhelming thirty minutes. She took a deep breath and surveyed her surroundings.
Despite the kitchen’s size, it felt cozy with warm lighting and the comforting scent of alien spices filling the air.
As they sat across from each other at a small table, bowls of fragrant Xuevisian fruits and berries between them, Zora felt a sense of normalcy return. Here, in this moment, she wasn’t anheir to an alien throne or a pawn in a galactic political game. She was just Zora, sharing a meal with someone she cared about.
“Tell me about your childhood,” Dravek said softly, his usually stoic features relaxed in the intimate setting. “What was it like growing up on Earth, not knowing about all of this?”
Zora smiled, memories washing over her. “It was... wonderful, actually. My mother, she’s the kindest, sweetest person you could imagine. But she’s also incredibly intelligent and strong. She taught us all to care for our planet and to see the beauty and fragility in every living thing.”
She paused, taking a sip of the iridescent Xuevisian wine. “She used to tell us the most amazing bedtime stories. Tales of far-off worlds with glowing flowers and singing trees. I always thought she had the most incredible imagination.” Zora laughed softly. “Now I realize she was just telling us about home.”
Dravek reached across the table, his hand covering hers. The warmth of his touch sent a shiver through her. “That must have been difficult for her,” he said, his deep voice filled with empathy. “To be so far from her world, raising her children in a place so different from where she grew up.”