The robot’s processors whirred. “Your schedule includes breakfast with your sisters and their husbands at 0800 hours, followed by?—”

“Let me guess,” Zora interrupted with a grin. “Free time until some fancy dinner?”

“Correct,” Sprig confirmed. “The evening banquet is at 1900 hours.”

“Perfect!” Zora clapped her hands together. “That gives us plenty of time to investigate that new species of luminescent fungi I spotted yesterday.”

She practically skipped down the ornate palace corridors, Sprig bobbing along beside her. The halls were a marvel of technology and tradition—holographic interfaces flickered to life as they passed, displaying everything from daily schedules to real-time updates on interplanetary affairs, all seamlessly integrated with the ancient Tharvisian architecture.

The grand dining hall buzzed with lively chatter as Zora entered. The air was filled with the aroma of spices unknown toEarth, making her mouth water in anticipation. Her sisters were already seated with their Tharvisian husbands, their animated conversations punctuated by laughter.

“Zora!” Mila called out, waving enthusiastically. “Over here! You’ve got to try these uttaberry pancakes. They change flavor with every bite.”

Grinning, Zora made her way to the table. “Morning, everyone. Those pancakes sound amazing, but are they as good as Raelee’s infamous ‘Diplomatic Disaster’ waffles?”

A chorus of groans and giggles erupted around the table. Raelee, the eldest Arison sister, rolled her eyes good-naturedly. “I thought we agreed never to speak of that again,” she said, trying to look stern but failing to hide her smile.

“Oh no,” Venus chimed in, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “That story is going down in family history. The look on the European ambassador’s face when the syrup started erupting like a volcano—priceless!”

Vexor Tharvis, the Crown Prince and Raelee’s husband, looked between the sisters with fond amusement. “I feel there’s a story I’ve yet to hear,” he said, his deep voice tinged with curiosity.

Raelee groaned, burying her face in her hands. “Not you too, Vex. I thought husbands were supposed to be on their wives’ side.”

“Oh, I’m always on your side, my love,” Vexor replied smoothly, placing a kiss on Raelee’s cheek. “But I’m also on the side of good stories, and this sounds like a great one.”

As the sisters launched into a dramatic retelling of the “Diplomatic Disaster,” complete with wild gesticulations and creative reenactments, Zora felt a warmth bloom in her chest. This was why she loved these breakfasts. Despite their busy lives and important roles, they always made time to be just sisters—brilliant, goofy, loving sisters.

“So,” Mila said once the laughter had died down, “what’s everyone up to today? Roqron and I are putting the finishing touches on our new atmospheric purifier. Want a sneak peek, Zora? It uses some fascinating bioengineering principles.”

Zora’s eyes lit up. “Ooh, yes please! Maybe later this afternoon? I’m heading to the Whispering Grove to study those bioluminescent fungi we discovered.”

“The ones that respond to sonic vibrations?” Venus asked, leaning forward with interest. “Azlun and I were talking about incorporating something similar into the designs for the new civic center. A living, responsive building but this one I get to help design. Imagine the possibilities.”

“Speaking of possibilities,” Raelee interjected, a sly smile playing on her lips, “has anyone seen Dravek this morning? He’s usually so punctual.”

A ripple of knowing looks passed around the table. Zora felt her cheeks grow warm, though she couldn’t quite say why. “I’m sure he’s just busy,” she said, perhaps a bit too quickly. “You know how dedicated he is to his duties.”

“Mh-mmm,” Mila hummed, sharing a conspiratorial glance with Venus. “Dedicated to his duties... and to observing certain xenobotanists in the garden, perhaps?”


Before Zora could sputter out a response, a deep voice cut through the teasing atmosphere. “I assure you, my observational habits are strictly professional.”

Prince Dravek Tharvis stood in the doorway, his imposing figure softened by the hint of a smile tugging on the corners of his mouth. Her heart did a little flip, which she promptly told herself was simply a reaction to being startled. Absolutely not because of the way Dravek’s black eyes seemed to look right through her, or how his voice sent a shiver down her spine.

“Your Highness,” Zora managed, hoping her voice sounded steadier than she felt. “We were just, um, discussing the day’s plans.”

“Indeed,” Dravek said, taking the empty seat beside her. Was it her imagination, or did he sit closer than strictly necessary? “And what fascinating discoveries do you have planned for today, Dr. Arison?”

The use of her title, spoken with a hint of playful formality, made Zora’s pulse quicken. Two could play that game. “Oh, you know,” she said airily, “just revolutionizing our understanding of interplanetary botany, one glowing mushroom at a time. The usual.”

Dravek’s deep chuckle sent a warm flutter through her chest. “The usual, of course. I don’t suppose you’d be amenable to some company on your expedition? I find myself with a rare free morning, and I’ve been meaning to observe your work firsthand.”

The table fell silent, all eyes darting between Zora and Dravek. Zora could practically feel the suppressed excitement radiating from her sisters. She took a deep breath, willing her voice to remain casual. “I’d be happy for the company, Your Highness. Though I should warn you, botanical fieldwork isn’t always as glamorous as it sounds.”

“I think I can handle a little dirt,” Dravek replied, his eyes never leaving hers. “I look forward to it, Dr. Arison.”

As breakfast continued, the conversation flowing around her, Zora’s mind raced with possibilities. A whole morning with Dravek away from the formalities of the palace. The thought was both thrilling and terrifying.