“It’s... incredible,” she breathed, turning to see Dravek’s reaction.

Dravek stood with his mouth slightly agape, his usual composure momentarily forgotten. “I’ve traveled to many worlds,” he said softly, “but I’ve never seen anything like this.”

Zora took a tentative step forward, marveling at how the lighter gravity made her movements feel buoyant and graceful. The air around them carried a subtle glow, illuminating everything with a gentle radiance. She inhaled deeply, tasting a crispness that invigorated her senses.

As she surveyed their surroundings, a strange feeling washed over her. It was more than just awe at the alien landscape—it was a sense of... belonging. As if some part of her recognized this place, even though she’d never set foot on Xuevis before.

“Zora,” Dravek’s voice cut through her reverie, a note of urgency in his tone. “We have company.”

She turned to see a group of figures approaching cautiously, weapons at the ready. Leading them was a woman whose presence commanded attention. Tall and lithe with silvery-white hair that fell to her waist, she moved with a grace that seemed almost supernatural.

“State your purpose here,” the woman demanded, her melodious voice carrying both authority and a hint of curiosity.

Zora stepped forward, her heart pounding. This was the moment of truth. “My name is Zora Arison,” she said, forcing her voice to remain steady. “This is Prince Dravek Tharvis of Tharvisand our companion, Sprig. I believe we’ve been led here for a reason, but we’re unclear of exactly what that is.”

The woman’s eyebrows rose slightly, her gaze intensifying as she studied Zora’s features. “Arison? Is your mother’s name Meline Tan’er?”

“Melanie,” Zora replied, then added, “is her Earth name.”

A ripple of murmurs passed through the group. The woman held up a hand, silencing them. “Show me the emblem,” she said, her tone brooking no argument.

Emblem? She had no idea what the woman was looking for. She glanced at Dravek and he shrugged.

The woman huffed as if she couldn’t believe Zora didn’t understand. “Lift your hair and turn around.”

Having no reason not to obey, Zora gathered her hair into a bun on top of her head and turned. The only thing on her nape was a birthmark that looked like an eight-pointed star. All her sisters had the same mark.

The woman’s eyes widened, and she took a step closer. “By the eternal auroras,” she breathed. “It’s true. You’re one of Meline’s daughters.”

“You know my mother?” Zora asked, her voice filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty.

The woman’s expression softened. “I am Ylara Windrider, leader of the Xuevisian resistance. And yes, I know Meline. She was... is... my cousin. Which makes you, Zora Arison, one of the rightful heirs to the Xuevisian throne.”

Zora’s mind reeled. Heir to the throne? Her, a scientist from Earth? “One of the heirs?” she echoed, confusion evident in her voice.

Ylara nodded, her eyes scanning the area behind Zora as if expecting to see others. “Yes. You and your sisters are all potential heirs. Have only you returned?”

“My sisters?” Zora’s confusion deepened. “They’re... they’re on Tharvis. They’re married to Tharvisian princes.”

Understanding dawned in Ylara’s eyes. “Of course. The alliance. It’s all coming together now.”

Before Zora could ask for clarification, Dravek spoke up, his military instincts kicking in. “You mentioned resistance. What exactly are you resisting?”

Ylara’s face darkened. “The tyranny of Malgor Tan’er. He was once a respected member of the Xuevisian council, but his greed and lust for power corrupted him. Since he’s gained power, scores of citizens have vanished. Some political rivals, some who have spoken out against his regime.

“He uses physical and psychological torture to put fear into the populace. Man, woman, nor child are immune to his savagery. He’s even forced half the city into near starvation.”

She turned to Zora. “Your mother’s departure to Earth was more strategic than you might realize. It was a carefully orchestrated move – a contract marriage with Earth to ensure her safety and the continuation of the royal line.”

Zora’s head spun with this new information. “A contract marriage? But... why?”

Ylara’s expression was grave. “Meline knew that Malgor would stop at nothing to eliminate any threat to his rule. By allying with Earth and having children there, she ensured there would be heirs who could one day return to claim the Xuevisian throne. And by arranging marriages between her daughters and the Tharvisian princes...”

“She created a powerful alliance,” Dravek finished, understanding dawning in his eyes.

“Exactly,” Ylara confirmed. “An alliance that could challenge Malgor’s power and restore balance to Xuevis. That’s why your arrival is so significant, Zora. With you and your sisters married to Tharvisian royalty, Malgor’s worst fears are realized. A unitedXuevis and Tharvis would be a formidable force – one that could finally end his tyrannical rule.”

Zora’s mind raced, trying to process all this new information. Her entire life, her very existence, was part of a grand political strategy. She thought of her sisters – Raelee, Mila, and Venus – wondering if they knew the full implications of their marriages.