Page 59 of Instant Bond

“Optical illusion,” I insisted, grinning up at him. My muscles felt loose and limber and perfectly used. I knew I would sleep like a baby the moment my head hit the pillow. But there was something I couldn’t help but wonder. “So it doesn’t bother you? About my, um, rebellious phase.”

“Should it?”

“Well, I don’t know. You’re so possessive, I was worried maybe you wouldn’t like that I wasn’t, you know, the poster boy for chastity and purity and all that.”

“Every choice you’ve made in your life has led you to me. I could never be unhappy with a single one.”

Sighing, I hooked my arms around his neck so I could kiss him. I couldn’t be unhappy with any of them either, for the same reasons as him. Everything in my life was exactly how I wanted it. As I dozed off against him, I considered myself the luckiest omega in the world.


AS MUCH ASI hated to admit it, some of my work had to be done in the office. I’d leveraged as much time at home as I could, especially when Cameron had days off. But today he was at home and I was stuck here. Since it couldn’t be helped, I tried not to dwell on it.

It was Friday anyway, which meant that once I finished up and could go home, we’d be alone until Ty’s daycare program ended in the evening. We hadn’t really discussed yet what we wanted to do with our free time, but since I’d been dragging him out more lately, I figured he would appreciate an evening in. Which was completely fine with me.

I flipped through the folder of proofs from our most recent photo shoot, studying each one intently, but quickly. After all, I’d been doing this for years. Pulling three out that I didn’t like for various reasons, I handed the folder back to the intern who’d delivered it to my office. Thankfully, Lucas had stopped doing that. Whether it was because he’d gotten the hint that I wanted nothing to do with him or because he was planning something more sinister I couldn’t be sure.

I’d sent an organized timeline of the events with any evidence I had to Anthony, who was holding it for me. I still wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do with any of it. The idea of serving him with a harassment suit was tempting, but it would be an embarrassing ordeal for all of us. And I knew my mom would be pissed for making waves with her friend’s son, and causing issues for the company.

If things carried on the way they were going, there wouldn’t be any need to push things. If he’d given up then I could let it go. As long as he left Cameron alone, then whatever had happened in the past could stay there as far as I was concerned. I could only wait and see.

“Wow, Mr. Morrison!” The intern was a young omega woman with glasses and a trendy pixie cut. “The ones you took out were the same ones Ms. Caperin said probably wouldn’t make the cut.”

“Great minds think alike,” I said, giving her a polite smile. She nodded eagerly.

“Is there anything you want me to grab for you before I head back over? Coffee or anything?”

“I’m fine, thank you.”

“Alright! Well, have a good day, Mr. Morrison.”

“You, too.”

She bounced off, giving me a friendly wave as she exited. Leaning back in my chair, I tilted my head. I’d always avoided having an assistant on the grounds that I’d rather do everything myself than have to deal with some overly chipper, incompetent kiss-ass on a daily basis. But maybe it was time. It would relieve me of the simple, menial parts of my job, at the very least.

As I pondered the best way to go about hiring one, my phone lit up with a message. Since the vast majority of messages I received these days were from Cameron, I smiled a little as I picked it up off the desk to read it. But as my eyes moved over the words, anxiety seized my stomach.

What is this? Why would you hide this from me?

An image followed the words. It was a photo of the timeline I’d created for Anthony. It had everything that had happened between Lucas and I, complete with dates and extreme detail. Including the night I’d brought him into my apartment. And the fact that I suspected he’d planned the whole paparazzi datescenario because he knew I was seeing someone else and wanted to sabotage it. Which wasn’t what I had told Cameron when he’d asked about the situation. I’d kept the paper in a desk drawer in the bedroom, assuming he would never see it.

My heart was racing in my chest, and sweat prickled under my arms. Even though my breath was coming out in short, harsh pants I fumbled with my phone, bringing up his contact and calling. The ringing in my ear was cut short, like he’d declined the call from his end.

I don’t want to talk to you right now.

His next message confirmed it loud and clear.

Pushing back from my desk, I gripped the edge of it. Panic swirled in my mind as I struggled with what to do to fix the situation. I could explain myself better in person.

The drive home was a blur. I was lucky I didn’t get into a car accident.

When I finally reached my door, jabbing the keypad to get inside, I found him sitting on the couch with his knees pulled up to his chest. He didn’t look up at me when I entered, but I could see his expression was sour.

I stood frozen at the edge of the living room, my eyes locked on him. Shit. I should have practiced or at least considered what to say.

When he finally glanced up at me, he didn’t say anything for what felt like hours. Until finally, he spoke.

“You lied to me.”