“He won’t, Mom.” I take a breath and release it slowly as the ramifications cycle through my mind at lightning speed. They’re even bigger now than they were then. “But I’m not taking it back. I simply cannot live with this for another minute. Whatever happens now is out of my hands.”
I wait all day to hear something from the AG’s office. Josh Spurling finally calls at four thirty. “I met with the AG, and he has questions.”
“Is the victim willing to cooperate?”
If I say no, this whole thing probably goes away right now. So I decide to hedge in the hope that Denise will come around. “I’m not sure yet. I’ve reached out to her, and I’m waiting to hear. In the absence of her cooperation, we have a sworn statement from her that was taken several weeks after the incident.”
“That’s not ideal, but it’s better than nothing. He also wants to know if the witness is willing to sit for a sworn statement before he decides whether to pursue this.”
“I’ve mentioned that possibility to her, and she said she’ll do whatever is needed.”
“He asked if there were other witnesses.”
“She would only speak for herself. That was a hard line.”
“So there were others.”
“She didn’t confirm or deny that but was adamant she’s speaking only for herself.”
“It would make for an easier sell if there were multiple witnesses.”
“I understand, but this is what we have. I think it’s safe to describe it as a take-it-or-leave-it situation.”
“Understood. Let me talk to him and get back to you. In the meantime, let’s get your witness in here for the sworn statement this week.”
We agree to talk again in the morning.
I call Blaise. “Hey, it’s Houston.”
“I wanted to let you know that I’ve spoken to the AG’s office, and they’ve requested the sworn statement I mentioned before.”
“What would that entail?”
“You’d be sworn in like you’d be if you were testifying in court, and then walked through the sequence of events, also like what would happen in court when you testify. Basically you’d tellthem the same story you told me, but you’d do so under oath this time in the presence of a court stenographer. I should also add that if it’s later determined you lied about any of it, you could face perjury charges.”
“I’m not lying about any of it, and I’ll make the statement. Just tell me when and where.”
“I’ll find out in the morning and let you know.”
“Would you be there?”
“If you’d like me to be.”
“I think I would.”
“Then consider it done.”
“Thank you for your support, Houston. I really appreciate it.”
“I’m just doing my job, but I understand how difficult this is for you.”