After a restless night plagued with dreams about fires, Glocks, dead animals and people chasing me through the woods, I’m a wreck in the morning. Judging from the barking, I determine Jack is outside with Fenway. I wonder how long they’ve been up.
I stare at the ceiling for a long time, thinking through the events of recent days and coming to the same conclusion I reached yesterday—I should get out of here until this is over. Jack didn’t sign on for all this drama when he rented his cottage to me. Now that gorgeous little cottage is a pile of smoldering wreckage and most likely a crime scene.
Because of me.
I can’t bear to think about what else might happen before this is over.
If anything ever happened to him or Fenway or the home his parents left him…
What if they’d tried to torch this house where all his priceless art is stored?
I’ve spun myself into a full-blown panic when he appears in the doorway holding two steaming mugs.
Just that quickly the panic is replaced with a deep appreciation for this incredible man, who came into my life under the strangest of circumstances and has never once wavered, despite many reasons to.
Fenway comes bounding into the room and up on the bed to give me relentless morning kisses that make me giggle.
“Down, girl,” Jack says.
She actually sits.
“Wow. Miracles do happen.”
I stroke her silky ears. “She’s a very good girl.”
“No, she isn’t.”
Before Fenway, I wouldn’t have thought dogs could smile. She’s proven me wrong. I’m as crazy about her as I am about her daddy.
Jack sits on what’s become his side of the bed and hands me one of the mugs.
“Thank you.”
“How’d you sleep?”
“Not great. Lots of weird dreams.”
“You were restless.”
“Did I keep you awake?”
“Not at all.”
“I was thinking…”
The thought of leaving him and Fenway is painful, but I want to do the right thing. I know how it feels not to, and I never want to be in that place again.
“What’s on your mind?”
“I should go.”