A huge boom sends me flying from his lap.
I land hard on the floor.
“What the fuck?” He spins to look out the window. “Holy shit! Are you all right?”
I take the hand he offers to help me up as Fenway barks frantically. “What was that?”
“The cabins are on fire. Call 911.”
He takes off running down the stairs as I follow on shaky legs while trying to press the numbers with fingers that won’t cooperate.
“Nine-one-one. Please state your emergency.”
“There’s a fire.” I struggle to remember the address and eventually manage to convey it to her.
“Fire department is on the way. Is anyone inside the structure?”
I stand at the back door in shocked disbelief at the size of the inferno consuming the cottage where I’d been staying until a week ago. “Not that we know of.”
“Stay on the line until they arrive.”
Jack has pulled a hose across the yard and has it trained on the building, but that’s not making a dent on the flames.
Barking frantically, Fenway pushes at me, trying to get out to “help” Jack.
“No, girl. You stay here. It’s not safe.”
What if the fire was intended to draw Jack away from me so someone could harm him? Fear overtakes me in a wild wave of panic. I grab Fenway’s collar as I open the door and yell for him.
He drops the hose and comes running to me.
When I see the terrified look on his face, it occurs to me, right then and there, with the fire blazing behind him, that I love him.
Before I have a second to process that development, he comes storming up the stairs.
I open the door for him.
“What happened? What’s wrong?”
I let go of Fenway and hug him. “Nothing. I was afraid it was a ruse to get you out in the open.”
He smells of smoke and sweat. I love him. “I’m sorry if I scared you. My brain is running away with me.”
His arms are tight bands around me. “I get it. No worries.”
“I’m sorry about the cottage.”
“Fuck the cottage. As long as you’re okay, that’s all that matters.”
“As long as we’re all okay.” I include our beloved Fenway. “That’s what matters.” I want to tell him I love him. Now that I know, the urge to share it with him is huge.
But the fire department comes in hot, no pun intended, and the next hour is occupied by dealing with them.
After Jack tells them I’m a witness in the criminal case against Ryder Elliott, they call in an arson inspector. We’re told the investigation will take a while and we should go about our business in the meantime. How am I supposed to do that after someone might’vetorchedhis property because of me?
“I…I should go.” My heart aches at the thought of leaving him after what we’ve shared, especially now that I’m certain I love him, but I can’t put him, Fenway or his property at risk.
“No, you shouldn’t.”