Page 118 of In the Air Tonight

“I’ll deliver it directly to the lab at URI.”

Dad nods with approval, knowing as I do how important chain of custody is in situations such as this.

“Dallas called last night. He’s not happy with me.”

“I heard. But don’t listen to him or anyone else. You did the only thing you could when a witness came forward. What happens from here isn’t your fault or your responsibility.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s just hard to have everyone pissed at me for doing my job.”

“Which is exactly why this woman didn’t come forward at the time. Having people turn on you sucks no matter when it happens, but it’s particularly rough when you’re too young to manage it.”

“Very true.”

He clasps my shoulder. “I’m proud of how you do the job.”

“That means a lot to me.”

“I’m proud of a lot more than that when it comes to you. I hope you know that.”

“I do. Thanks.”

“Hang in there, son.”

“I’m trying.”

I’m halfway to Kingston, home of the University of Rhode Island and the state crime lab, when my phone rings with a call from a number I don’t recognize. “Houston Rafferty.”

“Um, hi, Houston, this is, um, Ramona Travers. I’m not sure if you remember me. I was in Dallas’s class.”

“I remember your name.” I can’t recall her face, though. “What can I do for you?”

“I, uh, I heard a witness came forward in the Elliott case and he’s been indicted.”

“Yes.” I wait for her to say more as my heart starts to beat faster.

“That night…”

“Were you at the party?”


“Did you see something, Ramona?” I pull off the road, so I won’t crash while I wait to hear what she has to say.

“I…I saw them leave the party together.”

“Are you willing to testify to that?”

“I want you to know…” She sounds tearful now. “I’ve agonized over this from the day he was first charged. I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t. He was a god in school, and I was nobody. The only reason I was even there that night was because I dated Brody Parker for five minutes that summer.”

I exhale a deep breath. Brody is one of the guys who signed the affidavit. “And you’re willing to testify to that in court?”

“Would it help the case?”

“Very much so.”

After a long pause, she says, “Then yes, I’ll testify.”

“The prosecutor will want to meet with you. Would it be all right for me to have him call you?”